Friday, July 13, 2012

What You Should Know About Glutamine

What You Should Know About Glutamine. While traditionally it's the major muscle building or fat loss supplements that get all the attention - such as creatine, protein powder, nitric oxide, caffeine, and fat burning stacks - glutamine is also a supplement that can offer you many advantages that you may want to consider. Here are some of the things you should know about glutamine. What Is Glutamine? Most people think of glutamine as the bodybuilding supplement, but glutamine really is one of the most abundant amino acids in the body. It isn't classified directly as an essential amino acid because the body can manufacture it up to some degree from other amino acids in the body. The glutamine that you currently have in your system is primarily stored in your muscles, with the remainder being found in the lungs, which is the site where glutamine is manufactured in the body.Potentially the most important use for glutamine in your body is with the immune system as it serves to prevent illness, speed recovery, and enhance the way the body feels and functions.In addition to this, glutamine also plays a role in DNA synthesis and as an alternative source of fuel for the brain. Finally, glutamine helps to prevent the catabolic reactions that occur in the body when cortisol is present, which is a benefit that is especially interesting to those who are involved with building muscle tissue. What Glutamine Should Be Used For Because of all the different functions of glutamine in the human body, it can be used for a wide variety of purposes by both normal individuals as well as those who are under the care of a medical professional. One instance where glutamine is administered quite heavily is when a wound is present, as it tends to speed up the healing process. Burn victims are often given very large doses of glutamine for this purpose. Glutamine is also useful for helping to prevent or treat inflammatory bowel disease. This is due to the fact that it helps to protect the lining of the gastrointestinal tract where problems often take place. Only individuals who have consulted with a medical professional should be using glutamine for this purpose however, so that is one important thing to note. Many people would be surprised to know that some studies performed on animals also demonstrate that glutamine can work as an appetite suppressant in those who are obese, so this could potentially make it a very beneficial supplement for those who are on a fat loss diet. Individuals who are suffering from cancer typically show very low levels of glutamine in their system, which makes it a good option for adding to their treatment program. It's especially used when the cancer patient is undergoing chemotherapy since it will help protect the lining of the small and large intestines, which are at a high risk during this process. Finally, and the primary reason you are most likely interested in glutamine supplementation is its' role in athletic performance. When you train very hard for days in a row your muscles glutamine stores will begin to become depleted. Additionally, since you want your body to be in as much of an anabolic process as possible and glutamine helps prevent the negative effects of cortisol in the body (which tend to break muscle tissue down), this alone makes it very useful for athletes or those involved heavily with their workout programs. In one study from the Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism journal researchers tested the impact of glutamine and carbohydrate supplementation on endurance training and found that when the endurance exercise was performed past the one hour mark, supplementing with both the carbohydrate and glutamine mixture demonstrated a reduced blood ammonia level in the athletes, helping to ward of fatigue as they continued with their workout.So, regardless of whether you're a strength athlete or someone training for a long-distance endurance event, glutamine supplementation could prove to be very useful for you. Food Sources Of Glutamine Most people will be taking in glutamine from their daily diet - how much though is the question. The best sources of glutamine in the human diet include beef, pork, chicken, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, raw spinach,parsley, and cabbage. Strict vegetarians are going to be at a higher risk of deficiency so it will be especially important for them to consider taking it in supplemental form as well. Even those who are eating a mixed diet may not be able to get in enough to meet their needs if they are exercising intensely, especially if they are on a reduced calorie, fat loss diet, so again adding a supplement is a wise move. How To Supplement With Glutamine When it comes to choosing your glutamine supplement, you have a variety of options. For easy ingestion, it comes in capsule, powder, and liquid form, so whatever your preference is you can easily find a supplement to match. You'll have to watch too because many protein powders will also have glutamine added in, so you may be able to combine these supplements if you choose wisely. Many times it won't be as much glutamine as what you'd get in a concentrated glutamine supplement, so assess your needs to determine which is the best option for you. How much glutamine you take each day will depend on your diet and purpose (exercise intensity, health status, additional lifestyle stress, etc), but a good recommendation is to start with a five gram serving two to three times a day and see how you feel. Ideally you would take one serving immediately after your workout as this is when your body is in its most damaged state and then also right before bed since that's the time when the healing and repair process really takes place. Conclusion So, next time you're putting together your supplement order, keep glutamine in mind. It's a relatively cost-effective supplement but could make noticeable results to your progress. Considering it can take months of hard work to build the muscle you have, you really do want to be doing everything you can to prevent losing that muscle mass.

Friday, June 29, 2012


Ipamorelin is a pentapeptide (Aib-His-D-2-Nal-D-Phe-Lys-NH2), which displays high GH releasing potency and efficacy in vitro and in vivo. As an outcome of a major chemistry research program, Ipamorelin was identified within a series of compounds lacking the central dipeptide Ala-Trp of growth hormone-releasing peptide (GHRP)-1. The specificity of ipamorelin makes this PEPTIDE a very interesting candidate for future clinical development and research.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Whey Protein Benefits!

Here's the skinny on whey protein benefits: Just as we know that not all carbs or fats are treated the same by your body, we also know that proteins are unique in their own right. Casein (the slow protein) and whey protein do a whole lot more than just enhance protein synthesis. In a new study, rats were administered whey protein or casein and put through a muscle overload protocol. Researchers strapped tiny weights on the rat subjects’ backs and electrocuted the floor, which made the rats jump up— similar to a person doing weighted jump squats. At the end of the study, it was found that whey protein reduced muscle damage but also enhanced liver antioxidant levels. Interestingly, levels of TBARS (ThioBarbituric Acid Reactive Substances)— a well-known biomarker of oxidative damage or free radical damage that cause cell destruction— are known to increase in plasma after weightlifting; however, TBARS were lowered after whey protein consumption. Additionally, whey protein increased total liver glutathione levels, which is a potent antioxidant. Another interesting finding was that the rats were administered the exact same amount of protein, yet the whey protein group had larger increases in muscle mass. These results suggest that the potent biochemical antioxidant actions of whey protein mediated a reduction in cellular damage to both liver and muscle, resulting in enhanced muscle and bodyweight. In terms of the anabolic responses, whey may have an advantage over casein in that it’s a potent antioxidant. It’s also been demonstrated that whey has the ability to inhibit angiotensin II, which is a potent vessel constrictor— so you may even get better muscle pumps with whey protein compared to other protein powders. Whey Protein Hydrolysates: Get Better Pumps!! Whey protein is not only a “fast-acting” protein as it has been known for years, but it has many more benefits for bodybuilding. It may help you get better pumps in the gym. The vascular endothelium is a single-cell layer in blood vessels that influences vascular health and risk of disease by regulating vasoconstriction and vasodilation, blood pressure, blood clotting, etc.2Bioactive peptides derived from food, especially milk proteins, exert a wide range of biological actions including decreased blood pressure and improved endothelial function. Milk is a rich source of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides. ACE inhibition prevents the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II, a potent vasoconstrictor. Many people with high blood pressure are prescribed ACE-inhibitor drugs to lower blood pressure, but bodybuilders may get a similar effect with whey protein hydrolysates. Most bodybuilders take a nitric oxide (NO) product before exercise to increase muscle pumps, but taking a new and novel whey protein shake may also help with getting better pumps. A researcher from the University of Connecticut investigated a new whey protein hydrolysate and its effects on vasodilation. The active whey supplement was a proprietary peptide isolated from a whey protein hydrolysate (NOP-47, Glanbia Nutritionals, Twin Falls, ID). Subjects consumed one serving a day of NOP-47 or a placebo for two weeks. At the end of the study, researchers found that acute ingestion of NOP-47 significantly increased blood vessel dilation at 30, 60 and 90 minutes, post-ingestion. This means the daily ingestion of a whey protein hydrolysate may be a great way to facilitate blood flow in the gym, as a single serving enhanced vasodilation 90 minutes after consumption. OK, but what about burning fat— which protein is #1 in that category? What About Thermogenesis? Which Protein Blend is Best? Scientists are finally starting to realize that increasing protein can accelerate weight loss. Protein not only increases energy expenditure, but also decreases energy intake through mechanisms that influence appetite control. Their addition to foods, meals, and diets decreases the glycemic index and, when exchanged for carbohydrates, the glycemic load as well— with potential benefits for glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. The energy cost of digesting, absorbing, and metabolizing protein (23 percent) is greater than that of either carbohydrate (6 percent) or fat (3 percent).Researchers from Switzerland investigated the thermogenic effects of three proteins: whey protein, casein, and soy. Subjects were men and women who consumed a shake consisting of 50 percent protein, 40 percent carbohydrates, and 10 percent fats. So which protein came out on top for being the most thermogenic? You guessed it: WHEY PROTEIN WAS MORE THERMOGENIC THAN ANY OTHERPROTEIN. The consumption of whey protein also resulted in enhanced fat oxidation, compared to soy protein. The scientists had a few ideas as to why whey was more thermogenic than other proteins. 1) Whey proteins are more rapidly digested and absorbed than casein, and this improves protein synthesis. Increased protein synthesis has been proposed as one possible mechanism responsible for the increased thermogenesis observed after high-whey protein consumption. After consumption of whey protein, the rate of protein synthesis is faster— twofold greater (68 percent, compared to 31 percent with casein). Ever notice when you eat a big steak, you start sweating? The energy cost of digesting, absorbing, and metabolizing protein (23 percent) is greater than that of either carbohydrate (6 percent) or fat (3 percent).This means the greater increases in protein synthesis resulted in a net greater energetic cost, which increased thermogenesis. It takes energy to increase protein synthesis! Consequently, differences in the rate of protein synthesis after whey, casein, and soy ingestion may explain the small, but significant, differences in thermic effect observed after whey protein. 2) Researchers speculated that increased glucagon secretion might enhance fat oxidation. Whey protein, contrary to what one would expect, promotes fat loss by enhancing the release of glucagon (builds muscle, burns fat). Glucagon stimulates the breakdown of glycogen stored in the liver. When blood glucose levels are high, the liver takes up large amounts of glucose. Under the influence of insulin, much of this glucose is stored in the form of glycogen. Glucagon activates hepatic gluconeogenesis. Gluconeogenesis is the pathway by which substrates such as amino acids are converted to glucose. As such, it provides another source of glucose for blood. Glucagon also appears to have a minor effect of enhancing lipolysis of triglycerides in adipose tissue, which could be viewed as an additional means of conserving blood glucose by providing fatty acid fuel to most cells. For example, Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is a nutrient-regulated intestinotrophic hormone derived from proglucagon in the distal intestine. GLP-2 has been found to be stimulated after whey protein consumption. Another study found that insulin and glucagon responses increased with increased protein load for whey protein and casein, but the effect was more pronounced for glucagon after whey consumption. A higher dose of protein or its hydrolysate will result in a lower insulin:glucagon ratio, an important parameter for the control of postprandial substrate metabolism. Another study found that insulin and glucagon responses to whey protein resulted in lower respiratory quotients, indicative of increased fat oxidation, after a breakfast meal containing whey protein— compared to meals containing casein or soy.Whereas it is tempting to suggest that the elevated glucagon concentrations observed after whey consumption may have interfered with insulin’s antilipolytic effects and permitted fat oxidation to continue at, more or less, fasting concentrations, evidence for the lipolytic effects of glucagon after whey protein consumption has been reported.This is just another reason to throw some whey protein powder in your shaker cup when coming home from the gym!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Follistatin is a single-chain gonadal protein that specifically inhibits follicle-stimulating hormone release. The single FST gene encodes two isoforms, FST317 and FST344 containing 317 and 344 amino acids respectively, resulting from alternative splicing of the precursor mRNA. In a study in which 37 candidate genes were tested for linkage and association with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or hyperandrogenemia in 150 families, evidence was found for linkage between PCOS and follistatin. Follistatin binds directly to activin and functions as an activin antagonist. specific inhibitor of the biosynthesis and secretion of pituitary follicle stimulating hormone (fsh). Follistatin Human Recombinant produced in E.Coli is a single, non-glycosylated polypeptide chain containing 288 amino acids and having a total molecular mass of 31.5kDa. The FST is purified by proprietary chromatographic techniques.

Monday, May 7, 2012


IGF-1 is naturally produced in the liver as a result of GH (Growth Hormone) metabolism in the presence of insulin. Muscle tissue can also produce IGF-1 by way of an intracellular response. In fact, one of the benefits of training sets that result in an intense burn, or stretch position training, is the production of natural IGF-1. It is also a side effect of oral 17-ALFA ALKYLATED STEROIDS, which cause a higher release of IGF-1 from the liver. IGF-1 receptors exist throughout muscles and organs such as the heart, spleen, small intestines, and kidneys with a higher concentration of receptors exerting effects upon organs. IGF-1 is extremely anabolic, far more so than GH or Insulin.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

What to look for in gym?

When looking for a gym or fitness center I believe you should ultimately go where to use couching knowledge and you feel the most comfortable or really what your gut instinct tells you. The following information is not meant to knock any fitness facility or gym. This info is for you, the reader, to help you spend your money the smartest and wisest ways possibly, especially in a tighter economy. None of us want to waste our hard-earned money at a fitness center where we are not getting a lot of product and service for our money. Where you choose to workout is your business and "to each his own". Whatever gets you moving and healthier is a great choice anyway. In the late 2006's after I received the coaching certificate the first job I had as a personal trainer was in Tehran, Iran. That job was with Bodybuilding and Fitness Center; at the time they only had 5 gyms (now they have nearly 40 gyms). The one I worked in was nearly 10,000 square meter and was always clean, with lots of equipment, free classes with membership, knowledgeable staff, and very reliable. I was the youngest personal trainer so I had to really work hard to market myself. One of the ways I did this was to take on another job with the same gym. The job I took was personal trainer, supplement and diet consultation. This meant taking the responsibilities of a trainer who helped all members with a few free sessions to get them integrated into the gym. This helped me increase my personal training business, but more importantly humbled me. I was humbled with the additional position because to do this job you also had to put back all of the weights that were left out on the floor or out of place each night, sometimes fill in at the front desk, call and confirm appointments, check on the status of new and existing members, and all kinds of other little jobs... all for about 4.00 Euros an hour. After my first job I was hired by the infomercial guy to train people One-On-One in one of his personal training facilities in Tehran and so and so… Move to Estonia! When I chose to move to Estonia at 2009 I also had to make a decision on a gym for me to workout in and also to present my best experiences and knowledge about coaching and sport supplements.first year only I collected all information about this field here in Estonia then I felt who is training seriously and professional then they need to use high quality supplements but there wasn’t in market that’s why I bring Universal and Ultimate Nutrition from united states to Estonia. I have been to a lot of bodybuilding and fitness centers already and based my decision in Estonia on my previous gym until now!I look at the gyms by different eyes and I see many things that 90% of owner’s gym don’t see it!there is sometimes so frail and sometimes so big thing that they should care and correct it if they would like to achievement on their job and if they don’t upgrade their knowledge all the times then always they will be 5 years retard than all other countries. Sometimes I see in gym there is young boys and girls,they have so good potential to grow so easy and they can be one of Estonian professional athlete and bring for country many shining medals and rise up the Estonian’s flag in international contest but unfortunately there is no body to recognition and find them to give opportunity and support! 5 Tips For Finding A Good Gym Here is a checklist you can use in searching for a fitness center: 1. Clean Facility: You want the facility to be cleaned regularly and have some type of cleaner on hand, near equipment, or in a storage area if need be. Some gyms I have been to have towels with the cleaning products - which are washed regularly - and other gyms have paper towels loosely placed throughout, or in dispensers around the facility. Remember though... no matter where you go you should always wash your hands regularly, and never touch your eyes, nose, or mouth without first washing your hands thoroughly with soap. 2. Equipment Variety: Any place you go should have a lot of fitness equipment variety for you to choose from. Many times while on vacation I have chosen the gym with the most equipment variety because I like to change my routines and exercises often. My body is never bored this way. If you sign up at a place with 10 pieces of equipment it is better than sitting on the couch, but you will soon go stale in your routines. This usually leads to boredom, which leads to dropping out. 3. Free Classes: If you go to a gym which offers classes - such as: aerobics, toning, sculpting, cycling, strength, cardio, abs and bun firming, or step - and they want you to pay separate then you should be alarmed. I have been to a lot of very nice high-dollar gyms in many different countries and do not ever remember seeing anyone have to pay extra. Now if you have a top expert or celebrity come to speak, hold a class, or workshop, that is totally different. Also you may have personal trainers or nutritionists hold classes in a gym for a fee because this is for their knowledge business. 4. Knowledgeable Staff: If you get to the front desk of a gym and there are only a few people on staff - barely over the age of 18 - and they are not well-trained (formally or informally) to help you get the fitness results you desire, then choose another gym. Some of us do not need a knowledgeable staff because we already have a game plan, but this is the minority of us. The majority of us will have questions and need a little guidance and assistance. You usually cannot get this from the young guy or girl behind the desk who works there just because they look like they are in shape or even some guys who trained some years. Getting yourself into shape and getting others into shape are two totally different ball games. If you see some bodybuilder it doesn’t mean this person is coach or reverse, coaching is only perfect knowledge. 5. Reliable: All too often, over the years, I have seen gyms rush into small and large towns and cities promising the world, only to really take your money and leave town. Many times you will see these gyms come into town with good marketing, but not good service once you are in the doors. You want a gym with a great track record of being open a long time. You want a gym with a history of being good to its members.You want a gym has real personal trainer who care about you if you do some exercise wrong. you want a gym that does not have a history of closing its doors after getting you signed-up for long-term contracts. If you have to sign-up for a long-term contract with a gym it usually means they want you to stay even if you do not want to. Conclusion many of the top gym chains around the country changed their model years ago to month-to-month memberships and I feel like that is what is right and fair to members. You want a gym that does not try to nickel and dime you and ask for service fees which are constantly hitting your pocketbook. You are at the gym to work on you, not on them! A gym can never please everyone, but if the majority of members are satisfied, then the gym is doing something right.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Our body produces insulin; a protein secreted by the pancreas to regulate and maintains the levels of blood sugar in the body. Pancreas senses any increment in the blood sugar levels and secretes insulin to lower it. In the field of medicine it is used to treat diabetes. Surprisingly it also exhibits strong anabolic steroid making it a powerful steroid. How it Works Insulin gives impressive muscle mass gains similar to other anabolic steroids. Body builders and power lifters buy insulin to Gain weight as well. Basically insulin secreted by the body takes up glucose present in the blood and stores it in the muscle cells after converting it to glycogen. Glycogen in turn promotes protein synthesis and so the greater the quantity of glycogen in the cells the higher would be the protein absorption. Glycogen retention is the major driving force behind the muscle built up when insulin is used as a steroid. Another useful contribution of this drug which leads the steroid users to insulin is that it stops protein catabolism (break down of muscle protein); in this way more muscles are created which in turn leads to an increase in the muscle size. Insulin also strongly influences the IGF (Insulin like Growth Factor) in the body. The IGF promotes muscle growth. It is also instrumental in increasing the bone density in the body. Steroid users also buy insulin because it gives instant energy and so greatly increases the endurance level of the body. A body builder, power lifter or an athlete needs more endurance levels for intense training for the competition. High endurance levels mean that the user can train harder and for a longer period of time. Power lifters, body builders and athletes who want to gain weight quickly buy insulin as it can add considerable weight to the body in a short time. Most steroids use the fat stored in the body as fuel; insulin on the other hand prevents fat from being used as a fuel thereby giving considerable weight gains. Insulin was also found to increase the testosterone levels in the body. Though insulin can work wonders in body building, it can actually be fatal. Insulin when taken by non-diabetics can lead to a condition called hypoglycemia. In hypoglycemia, there is a marked decrease in the blood sugar level which may cause the user to faint. In extreme cases, hypoglycemia can lead to brain damage or cause death. Users are advised to eat anything rich in carbohydrates after injecting insulin. Drowsiness and hunger pangs after the injection are some symptoms of the onset of hypoglycemia. The user is advised to eat a rich sugary food if such symptoms occur. In short insulin as a steroid gives excellent results in muscle build up, weight gain and increased endurance levels. It is an inexpensive drug which is readily available and it is difficult to detect in a doping test; however it is quite “lethal” and can cause death. Types of Insulin There are various compositions of Insulin available in the market for athletic uses. Following are the five basic types of insulin commonly used by the athletes and body builders. • Insulin Humalog it is the fastest acting insulin • Insulin Humulin R it is effective for short duration • Insulin Humulin N it is an intermediate length composition • Insulin Humulin U it is also an intermediate length composition • Insulin –Humulin –U (utalente) it is a long acting composition Insulin Humalog is the best choice for athletes and body builders but unfortunately you cannot get it without a prescription. For this reason Humulin-Ris widely used by athletes and body builders as it can be obtained without a prescription. Humulin R peaks quickly and leaves the body rapidly too. The recommended dosage for insulin is 5 to 15 iu(international units) per day; however beginners are advised to start with a small dose of 1 to 2 iu per day.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How do I up my GH? (Human Growth Hormones - HGH)

It should be obvious that HGH is one of the most active hormones in the world today. The miracles of testosterone have amazed the world of bodybuilding with its regular turnout of 300-pound behemoths and she-men, but GH is another story altogether. When you take into account that hormones may hold the secret to stopping aging in its tracks and that GH is the hormone produced on the largest scale in the human body, it may be our own fountain of youth. I'm not saying that if you start injecting large amounts of an illegal substance you'll live to be 200, there is also the matter of tissue resistance, but again: every little bit helps. GH starts to decline in the body as we grow older. After the age of 30 it declines by 25 percent every decade, so by the time you hit 60 you are operating at 25 percent of original capacity. If HGH was present in the same amount throughout our lives we'd easily live to 140, be several inches taller and a lot more muscular.Growth hormone was discovered in the 1920's and was isolated in the form of somatotropin in 1956. The benefits of HGH are immense, even today new research pops up regularly that reveals new uses for it. HGH is present in the body at a rate of 500 micrograms at any time in the blood of males between the ages of 20 and 30. It's produced by the anterior pituitary gland under the stimulation of the Hypothalamus (like LH, the testosterone precursor). The effects on our system are tremendous: • HGH promotes and increases the synthesis of new protein tissues, such as in muscle recovery or repair. This is the way new muscle is built. • Recent research suggests its involvement in the metabolism of body-fat and its conversion to energy sources. Tests were conducted in obese people and medical use in treating obesity was proven beyond a doubt. Pro's have used GH as a way of maintaining and increasing lean mass while dieting for years. • It improves the sleeping pattern, makes for less unintended awakenings and betters REM-stage sleep. • HGH produces more energy • It may improve sexual performance • It builds stronger bones • Improves the quality and duration of heart and kidneys So you can tell the benefits are not few. What's an even bigger card in the weighing of HGH against testosterone and its derivatives is that it is not androgenic, causes no aromatization and shows no side effects in limited doses. It just makes you bigger, huge even in combination with testosterone. It is believed that we may benefit from doses up to 1 to 1.5 mg in the bloodstream. That is somewhere in the optimal range for natural GH. How do I up my GH? Well that's the point everyone was hoping I'd get to. The ways to improving GH concentration is by utilizing the 4 areas of bodybuilding: Training, Rest, Nutrition and Supplementation. Training: The first way of stimulating GH release naturally is training. Working out, putting the body under extreme stress, I'm sure it's something none of you are unfamiliar with. Intense workouts, energy-consuming events and long periods of physical exhaustion are keys in releasing more Growth Hormone because these catabolic states require extra protein synthesis and in case of lack of energy, fat metabolization to make up for glycogen depletion. This is no doubt the most potent kind of GH release as it's targeted to meet the demands of the bodybuilder. Of course I'm not telling you anything new when I'm saying you have to work out to gain muscle mass. I hope. Moreover the production of this GH is a direct reaction to a catabolic state that is not wishful to those looking for gains. The only interesting I can tell you is this: I learned this in my first year of physiology. GH can be manipulated. The general rule of thumb when working out is never to train longer than 45 minutes because that's when GH tapers off and cortisol production sets in. But the half-life of HGH can be influenced. If you train 40 minutes for a month and increase it by 2 minutes every month, after 10 months, you could train for an hour without inducing a catabolic state. No one has ever tested how far you can push the envelope, but is a proven fact. At this point I see no use for working out longer than an hour. Anyone using moderate to heavy intensity should be able to finish 25 sets in that time. Rest: 75 percent of your total daily HGH output is produced while sleeping, and most of that in REM sleep. This again stresses the need for a good night's sleep, in case that hadn't quite dawned on you. Though cat naps may further your case a bit, it's unlikely that you can induce a deep enough sleep to start producing GH. This GH, in any case, is not near as potent as the other kinds because it is produced as a response to a need for sleep protection and a need for energy repletion for the next day, not so much in response to a need for EXTRA energy. But I think everyone understands that without this amount of GH other sources of GH will not be used as efficiently. Getting at least 8-10 hours of sleep is a sacrifice everyone should consider making if you want to get big in a hurry. Also the regularity of your sleeping pattern could promote more REM cycles and result in more hormonal output. So keeping steady hours of rest is beneficial. If you are one to stay out late on weekends it may be best to still wake up at the same time instead of sleeping in. Otherwise you may disturb your sleeping pattern. If you are used to sleeping from 10 to 8 and in the weekend you get home at 1, sleep until 8 and add a 1-hour nap every afternoon for the next 3-days to make up for the lack of sleep. But if at all possible maintain steady hours. Nutrition: Most likely the most important section of the article, and that of the most interest to the natural bodybuilder looking to make the most of his GH. Naturally I have to ask you to take the past two paragraphs into regard before continuing here. You can't expect gains from nutrition or supplementation if your recovery is not adequately adapted. The search for natural GH secretagogues (secrete and agogue (to teach), so literally to teach to secrete or induce the production of) begins with the most basic of nutrients But for aminos to have a good effect you need to make sure that 15-20 percent of your diet consists of clean fats. These induce cholesterol, the storage of the base-hormone in the body that leads to the manufacture of most steroidogenic hormones. The ultimate goal of this paragraph is to give you a complete stack, with amounts, of amino acids that can synergistically produce more GH, but any of them should further the case. I'll list them in order of importance (in this instance, this is not the importance of the amino in the diet). The doses I'm about to give you are the best range for maximizing GH in a pre-workout stack. If you have anti-aging properties in mind, smaller doses will work as well. Arginine (5-8 g) or arginine Pyroglutamate. Ornithine (4-7 g) works synergistically with arginine, from which it is derived. Together they have the best impact. Glutamine (5 g) or Glutamine Peptides preserve the use of arginine in depleted circumstances. Glycine (3-10 g) OKG(3 g) is very expensive, but useful BCAA's (3-6 g) for musclebuilding properties, enhanced by GH. GABA and Lysine in trace amounts, but since they may inhibit the other amino's, it would be best to take these at different times. Other dietary sources of GH promoting nutrients are Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Vitamin B3 and most anti-oxidants. Take your stack, which ever amino's it ends up consisting of, 45 minutes prior to your workout for maximal levels of Growth Hormone. On non-workout days, take your stack either before bed or in the morning, both on an empty stomach. If I hadn't convinced you of the use of protein to gain muscle, the potential amount of GH you get from maintaining protein levels should make you change your mind. Supplementation: No I'm not telling you to inject GH. Until it becomes legal and then still under a doctor's supervision, I don't suggest you use it. GH supplementation has many benefits though. It increases the protein synthesizing effect of testosterone and causes growth in muscle tissue. Unlike most steroidogenic substances it is currently undetectable in drug tests. What's more, in small doses it exerts no side effects. In large doses it may be very harmful however. Too much natural GH causes a condition called acromegaly. A person's muscles grow, but so do his bones, his face, his intestines. Not funny, huh? Plus the muscle you gain on GH is not functional. GH causes no gains in strength. Larger muscles naturally increases strength a little, but without training of the tendons and attachments, no strength increase is noticeable. The enlarged intestines are what cause the bloated guts on stage in Mr. Olympia contests. Only two substances cause this bloating: IGF-1 (insulin-like Growth factor 1) and HGH. Pros swear by the stuff. It's relatively new to the market as well. For a long time the only source of GH was from cadavers. This held a great risk of infection with BSE (Kreutzfeld-Jakob disease) a debilitating disease that leads to death in weeks and is currently a hot topic because of recent cases in the European bovine stock as a result of processing animal waste in animal food. Now it's available as somatotropin, synthethized outside the body.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Cholesterol is sort of a "cousin" of fat. Both fat and cholesterol belong to a larger family of chemical compounds called lipids. All the cholesterol the body needs is made by the liver. It is used to build cell membranes and brain and nerve tissues. Cholesterol also helps the body produce steroid hormones needed for body regulation, including processing food, and bile acids needed for digestion.
People don't need to consume dietary cholesterol because the body can make enough cholesterol for its needs. But the typical U.S. diet contains substantial amounts of cholesterol, found in foods such as egg yolks, liver, meat, some shellfish, and whole-milk dairy products. Only foods of animal origin contain cholesterol.
Cholesterol is transported in the bloodstream in large molecules of fat and protein called lipoproteins. Cholesterol carried in low-density lipoproteins is called LDL-cholesterol; most cholesterol is of this type. Cholesterol carried in high-density lipoproteins is called HDL-cholesterol.
A person's cholesterol "number" refers to the total amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) of blood. (A deciliter is a tenth of a liter.) Doctors recommend that total blood cholesterol be kept below 200 mg/dl. The average level in adults in this country is 205 to 215 mg/dl. Studies in the United States and other countries have consistently shown that total cholesterol levels above 200 to 220 mg/dl are linked with an increased risk of coronary heart disease.
LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol act differently in the body. A high level of LDL-cholesterol in the blood increases the risk of fatty deposits forming in the arteries, which in turn increases the risk of a heart attack. Thus, LDL-cholesterol has been dubbed "bad" cholesterol.
On the other hand, an elevated level of HDL-cholesterol seems to have a protective effect against heart disease. For this reason, HDL-cholesterol is often called "good" cholesterol. In 1992, a panel of medical experts convened by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommended that individuals should have their level of HDL-cholesterol checked along with their total cholesterol.
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), a component of NIH, a healthy person who is not at high risk for heart disease and whose total cholesterol level is in the normal range (around 200 mg/dl) should have an HDL-cholesterol level of more than 35 mg/dl. NHLBI also says that an LDL-cholesterol level of less than 130 mg/dl is "desirable" to minimize the risk of heart disease.
Some very recent studies have suggested that LDL-cholesterol is more likely to cause fatty deposits in the arteries if it has been through a chemical change known as oxidation. However, these findings are not accepted by all scientists.
The NIH panel also advised that individuals with high total cholesterol or other risk factors for coronary heart disease should have their triglyceride levels checked along with their HDL-cholesterol levels.
How To Lower Your Cholesterol
If your doctor has told you to lose a few pounds because your cholesterol is high, you may be frustrated with the new restrictions on your diet. Here's a run-down of a cholesterol-lowering diet, letting you know not only what's bad, but also what you may eat.
First, beginning a regular exercise program is one of the smartest things you can do. Do at least thirty minutes of some aerobic activity every day, if you can.
As for food, you might feel like you'll never have the list of do's and don'ts memorized. That's okay. Just remember the basics. Avoid a lot of saturated fat and sugar, and gradually increase your fiber intake (I say "gradually" because an abrupt increase in fiber could make you sick). Here's a run-down of how someone with high cholesterol should handle the different types of food:
Foods To Help Lower Your Cholesterol
• Eggs: Eat all the egg whites or egg substitutes you want, but have no more than two yolks per week.
• Fruits: Eat three half-cup servings of fresh fruit every day. Citrus fruits are especially good. Avoid coconuts, which are full of saturated fat.
• Meats: Lean meats only. Use shellfish (which is high in cholesterol) sparingly, and avoid fatty red meat, pork, duck and goose. Do not eat any skin, organ meats or anything packed in oil (tuna packed in water is fine). No processed lunch meats, frankfurters or fast food burgers. All meats should be baked or broiled.
• Vegetables: Most veggies are fine. Since fiber helps to reduce cholesterol, concentrate on broccoli, celery, cauliflower and potato skins. Eat a colorful (dark green or dark yellow) vegetable every day.
• Dairy Products: Use skim or one percent milk only and low-fat or fat free cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.
• Breads: For the fiber, stick with whole-grain breads like whole wheat or oat. If you bake it yourself, use margarine instead of butter, and use an egg substitute. Avoid pastries and rolls that are high in sugar.
• Beans: Avoid baked beans, especially if pork and/or sugar are added. Most other beans are okay, as well as dried peas.
• Cereals: Avoid sugary cereals and opt for whole grain. As we all know, oatmeal is a wonderful cholesterol-lowering tool. Fats and oils: No butter; use soft margarine (not sticks) if necessary.
Vegetable oils should be high in polyunsaturated fats (some good ones are sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, soybean and corn oil). No animal fats, meat drippings, gravies, palm oils or coconut oils.
• Sweets: Nothing fried, chocolate or sugary. Yikes! Sherbet, Jell-O, pudding made with skim milk and egg white soufflĂ© are okay, but no more than two servings a day.
• Drinks: Fresh fruit juices (not sugary ones), black coffee or tea and sugarless soft drinks are fine. No whole milk or fatty coffee creamer.
• Herbs & Sauces: Herbs, spices, vinegar, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce and mustard can be used freely (but don't overdo the sodium!)