Thursday, April 19, 2012


Our body produces insulin; a protein secreted by the pancreas to regulate and maintains the levels of blood sugar in the body. Pancreas senses any increment in the blood sugar levels and secretes insulin to lower it. In the field of medicine it is used to treat diabetes. Surprisingly it also exhibits strong anabolic steroid making it a powerful steroid. How it Works Insulin gives impressive muscle mass gains similar to other anabolic steroids. Body builders and power lifters buy insulin to Gain weight as well. Basically insulin secreted by the body takes up glucose present in the blood and stores it in the muscle cells after converting it to glycogen. Glycogen in turn promotes protein synthesis and so the greater the quantity of glycogen in the cells the higher would be the protein absorption. Glycogen retention is the major driving force behind the muscle built up when insulin is used as a steroid. Another useful contribution of this drug which leads the steroid users to insulin is that it stops protein catabolism (break down of muscle protein); in this way more muscles are created which in turn leads to an increase in the muscle size. Insulin also strongly influences the IGF (Insulin like Growth Factor) in the body. The IGF promotes muscle growth. It is also instrumental in increasing the bone density in the body. Steroid users also buy insulin because it gives instant energy and so greatly increases the endurance level of the body. A body builder, power lifter or an athlete needs more endurance levels for intense training for the competition. High endurance levels mean that the user can train harder and for a longer period of time. Power lifters, body builders and athletes who want to gain weight quickly buy insulin as it can add considerable weight to the body in a short time. Most steroids use the fat stored in the body as fuel; insulin on the other hand prevents fat from being used as a fuel thereby giving considerable weight gains. Insulin was also found to increase the testosterone levels in the body. Though insulin can work wonders in body building, it can actually be fatal. Insulin when taken by non-diabetics can lead to a condition called hypoglycemia. In hypoglycemia, there is a marked decrease in the blood sugar level which may cause the user to faint. In extreme cases, hypoglycemia can lead to brain damage or cause death. Users are advised to eat anything rich in carbohydrates after injecting insulin. Drowsiness and hunger pangs after the injection are some symptoms of the onset of hypoglycemia. The user is advised to eat a rich sugary food if such symptoms occur. In short insulin as a steroid gives excellent results in muscle build up, weight gain and increased endurance levels. It is an inexpensive drug which is readily available and it is difficult to detect in a doping test; however it is quite “lethal” and can cause death. Types of Insulin There are various compositions of Insulin available in the market for athletic uses. Following are the five basic types of insulin commonly used by the athletes and body builders. • Insulin Humalog it is the fastest acting insulin • Insulin Humulin R it is effective for short duration • Insulin Humulin N it is an intermediate length composition • Insulin Humulin U it is also an intermediate length composition • Insulin –Humulin –U (utalente) it is a long acting composition Insulin Humalog is the best choice for athletes and body builders but unfortunately you cannot get it without a prescription. For this reason Humulin-Ris widely used by athletes and body builders as it can be obtained without a prescription. Humulin R peaks quickly and leaves the body rapidly too. The recommended dosage for insulin is 5 to 15 iu(international units) per day; however beginners are advised to start with a small dose of 1 to 2 iu per day.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

How do I up my GH? (Human Growth Hormones - HGH)

It should be obvious that HGH is one of the most active hormones in the world today. The miracles of testosterone have amazed the world of bodybuilding with its regular turnout of 300-pound behemoths and she-men, but GH is another story altogether. When you take into account that hormones may hold the secret to stopping aging in its tracks and that GH is the hormone produced on the largest scale in the human body, it may be our own fountain of youth. I'm not saying that if you start injecting large amounts of an illegal substance you'll live to be 200, there is also the matter of tissue resistance, but again: every little bit helps. GH starts to decline in the body as we grow older. After the age of 30 it declines by 25 percent every decade, so by the time you hit 60 you are operating at 25 percent of original capacity. If HGH was present in the same amount throughout our lives we'd easily live to 140, be several inches taller and a lot more muscular.Growth hormone was discovered in the 1920's and was isolated in the form of somatotropin in 1956. The benefits of HGH are immense, even today new research pops up regularly that reveals new uses for it. HGH is present in the body at a rate of 500 micrograms at any time in the blood of males between the ages of 20 and 30. It's produced by the anterior pituitary gland under the stimulation of the Hypothalamus (like LH, the testosterone precursor). The effects on our system are tremendous: • HGH promotes and increases the synthesis of new protein tissues, such as in muscle recovery or repair. This is the way new muscle is built. • Recent research suggests its involvement in the metabolism of body-fat and its conversion to energy sources. Tests were conducted in obese people and medical use in treating obesity was proven beyond a doubt. Pro's have used GH as a way of maintaining and increasing lean mass while dieting for years. • It improves the sleeping pattern, makes for less unintended awakenings and betters REM-stage sleep. • HGH produces more energy • It may improve sexual performance • It builds stronger bones • Improves the quality and duration of heart and kidneys So you can tell the benefits are not few. What's an even bigger card in the weighing of HGH against testosterone and its derivatives is that it is not androgenic, causes no aromatization and shows no side effects in limited doses. It just makes you bigger, huge even in combination with testosterone. It is believed that we may benefit from doses up to 1 to 1.5 mg in the bloodstream. That is somewhere in the optimal range for natural GH. How do I up my GH? Well that's the point everyone was hoping I'd get to. The ways to improving GH concentration is by utilizing the 4 areas of bodybuilding: Training, Rest, Nutrition and Supplementation. Training: The first way of stimulating GH release naturally is training. Working out, putting the body under extreme stress, I'm sure it's something none of you are unfamiliar with. Intense workouts, energy-consuming events and long periods of physical exhaustion are keys in releasing more Growth Hormone because these catabolic states require extra protein synthesis and in case of lack of energy, fat metabolization to make up for glycogen depletion. This is no doubt the most potent kind of GH release as it's targeted to meet the demands of the bodybuilder. Of course I'm not telling you anything new when I'm saying you have to work out to gain muscle mass. I hope. Moreover the production of this GH is a direct reaction to a catabolic state that is not wishful to those looking for gains. The only interesting I can tell you is this: I learned this in my first year of physiology. GH can be manipulated. The general rule of thumb when working out is never to train longer than 45 minutes because that's when GH tapers off and cortisol production sets in. But the half-life of HGH can be influenced. If you train 40 minutes for a month and increase it by 2 minutes every month, after 10 months, you could train for an hour without inducing a catabolic state. No one has ever tested how far you can push the envelope, but is a proven fact. At this point I see no use for working out longer than an hour. Anyone using moderate to heavy intensity should be able to finish 25 sets in that time. Rest: 75 percent of your total daily HGH output is produced while sleeping, and most of that in REM sleep. This again stresses the need for a good night's sleep, in case that hadn't quite dawned on you. Though cat naps may further your case a bit, it's unlikely that you can induce a deep enough sleep to start producing GH. This GH, in any case, is not near as potent as the other kinds because it is produced as a response to a need for sleep protection and a need for energy repletion for the next day, not so much in response to a need for EXTRA energy. But I think everyone understands that without this amount of GH other sources of GH will not be used as efficiently. Getting at least 8-10 hours of sleep is a sacrifice everyone should consider making if you want to get big in a hurry. Also the regularity of your sleeping pattern could promote more REM cycles and result in more hormonal output. So keeping steady hours of rest is beneficial. If you are one to stay out late on weekends it may be best to still wake up at the same time instead of sleeping in. Otherwise you may disturb your sleeping pattern. If you are used to sleeping from 10 to 8 and in the weekend you get home at 1, sleep until 8 and add a 1-hour nap every afternoon for the next 3-days to make up for the lack of sleep. But if at all possible maintain steady hours. Nutrition: Most likely the most important section of the article, and that of the most interest to the natural bodybuilder looking to make the most of his GH. Naturally I have to ask you to take the past two paragraphs into regard before continuing here. You can't expect gains from nutrition or supplementation if your recovery is not adequately adapted. The search for natural GH secretagogues (secrete and agogue (to teach), so literally to teach to secrete or induce the production of) begins with the most basic of nutrients But for aminos to have a good effect you need to make sure that 15-20 percent of your diet consists of clean fats. These induce cholesterol, the storage of the base-hormone in the body that leads to the manufacture of most steroidogenic hormones. The ultimate goal of this paragraph is to give you a complete stack, with amounts, of amino acids that can synergistically produce more GH, but any of them should further the case. I'll list them in order of importance (in this instance, this is not the importance of the amino in the diet). The doses I'm about to give you are the best range for maximizing GH in a pre-workout stack. If you have anti-aging properties in mind, smaller doses will work as well. Arginine (5-8 g) or arginine Pyroglutamate. Ornithine (4-7 g) works synergistically with arginine, from which it is derived. Together they have the best impact. Glutamine (5 g) or Glutamine Peptides preserve the use of arginine in depleted circumstances. Glycine (3-10 g) OKG(3 g) is very expensive, but useful BCAA's (3-6 g) for musclebuilding properties, enhanced by GH. GABA and Lysine in trace amounts, but since they may inhibit the other amino's, it would be best to take these at different times. Other dietary sources of GH promoting nutrients are Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), Vitamin B3 and most anti-oxidants. Take your stack, which ever amino's it ends up consisting of, 45 minutes prior to your workout for maximal levels of Growth Hormone. On non-workout days, take your stack either before bed or in the morning, both on an empty stomach. If I hadn't convinced you of the use of protein to gain muscle, the potential amount of GH you get from maintaining protein levels should make you change your mind. Supplementation: No I'm not telling you to inject GH. Until it becomes legal and then still under a doctor's supervision, I don't suggest you use it. GH supplementation has many benefits though. It increases the protein synthesizing effect of testosterone and causes growth in muscle tissue. Unlike most steroidogenic substances it is currently undetectable in drug tests. What's more, in small doses it exerts no side effects. In large doses it may be very harmful however. Too much natural GH causes a condition called acromegaly. A person's muscles grow, but so do his bones, his face, his intestines. Not funny, huh? Plus the muscle you gain on GH is not functional. GH causes no gains in strength. Larger muscles naturally increases strength a little, but without training of the tendons and attachments, no strength increase is noticeable. The enlarged intestines are what cause the bloated guts on stage in Mr. Olympia contests. Only two substances cause this bloating: IGF-1 (insulin-like Growth factor 1) and HGH. Pros swear by the stuff. It's relatively new to the market as well. For a long time the only source of GH was from cadavers. This held a great risk of infection with BSE (Kreutzfeld-Jakob disease) a debilitating disease that leads to death in weeks and is currently a hot topic because of recent cases in the European bovine stock as a result of processing animal waste in animal food. Now it's available as somatotropin, synthethized outside the body.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Cholesterol is sort of a "cousin" of fat. Both fat and cholesterol belong to a larger family of chemical compounds called lipids. All the cholesterol the body needs is made by the liver. It is used to build cell membranes and brain and nerve tissues. Cholesterol also helps the body produce steroid hormones needed for body regulation, including processing food, and bile acids needed for digestion.
People don't need to consume dietary cholesterol because the body can make enough cholesterol for its needs. But the typical U.S. diet contains substantial amounts of cholesterol, found in foods such as egg yolks, liver, meat, some shellfish, and whole-milk dairy products. Only foods of animal origin contain cholesterol.
Cholesterol is transported in the bloodstream in large molecules of fat and protein called lipoproteins. Cholesterol carried in low-density lipoproteins is called LDL-cholesterol; most cholesterol is of this type. Cholesterol carried in high-density lipoproteins is called HDL-cholesterol.
A person's cholesterol "number" refers to the total amount of cholesterol in the blood. Cholesterol is measured in milligrams per deciliter (mg/dl) of blood. (A deciliter is a tenth of a liter.) Doctors recommend that total blood cholesterol be kept below 200 mg/dl. The average level in adults in this country is 205 to 215 mg/dl. Studies in the United States and other countries have consistently shown that total cholesterol levels above 200 to 220 mg/dl are linked with an increased risk of coronary heart disease.
LDL-cholesterol and HDL-cholesterol act differently in the body. A high level of LDL-cholesterol in the blood increases the risk of fatty deposits forming in the arteries, which in turn increases the risk of a heart attack. Thus, LDL-cholesterol has been dubbed "bad" cholesterol.
On the other hand, an elevated level of HDL-cholesterol seems to have a protective effect against heart disease. For this reason, HDL-cholesterol is often called "good" cholesterol. In 1992, a panel of medical experts convened by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recommended that individuals should have their level of HDL-cholesterol checked along with their total cholesterol.
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), a component of NIH, a healthy person who is not at high risk for heart disease and whose total cholesterol level is in the normal range (around 200 mg/dl) should have an HDL-cholesterol level of more than 35 mg/dl. NHLBI also says that an LDL-cholesterol level of less than 130 mg/dl is "desirable" to minimize the risk of heart disease.
Some very recent studies have suggested that LDL-cholesterol is more likely to cause fatty deposits in the arteries if it has been through a chemical change known as oxidation. However, these findings are not accepted by all scientists.
The NIH panel also advised that individuals with high total cholesterol or other risk factors for coronary heart disease should have their triglyceride levels checked along with their HDL-cholesterol levels.
How To Lower Your Cholesterol
If your doctor has told you to lose a few pounds because your cholesterol is high, you may be frustrated with the new restrictions on your diet. Here's a run-down of a cholesterol-lowering diet, letting you know not only what's bad, but also what you may eat.
First, beginning a regular exercise program is one of the smartest things you can do. Do at least thirty minutes of some aerobic activity every day, if you can.
As for food, you might feel like you'll never have the list of do's and don'ts memorized. That's okay. Just remember the basics. Avoid a lot of saturated fat and sugar, and gradually increase your fiber intake (I say "gradually" because an abrupt increase in fiber could make you sick). Here's a run-down of how someone with high cholesterol should handle the different types of food:
Foods To Help Lower Your Cholesterol
• Eggs: Eat all the egg whites or egg substitutes you want, but have no more than two yolks per week.
• Fruits: Eat three half-cup servings of fresh fruit every day. Citrus fruits are especially good. Avoid coconuts, which are full of saturated fat.
• Meats: Lean meats only. Use shellfish (which is high in cholesterol) sparingly, and avoid fatty red meat, pork, duck and goose. Do not eat any skin, organ meats or anything packed in oil (tuna packed in water is fine). No processed lunch meats, frankfurters or fast food burgers. All meats should be baked or broiled.
• Vegetables: Most veggies are fine. Since fiber helps to reduce cholesterol, concentrate on broccoli, celery, cauliflower and potato skins. Eat a colorful (dark green or dark yellow) vegetable every day.
• Dairy Products: Use skim or one percent milk only and low-fat or fat free cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, etc.
• Breads: For the fiber, stick with whole-grain breads like whole wheat or oat. If you bake it yourself, use margarine instead of butter, and use an egg substitute. Avoid pastries and rolls that are high in sugar.
• Beans: Avoid baked beans, especially if pork and/or sugar are added. Most other beans are okay, as well as dried peas.
• Cereals: Avoid sugary cereals and opt for whole grain. As we all know, oatmeal is a wonderful cholesterol-lowering tool. Fats and oils: No butter; use soft margarine (not sticks) if necessary.
Vegetable oils should be high in polyunsaturated fats (some good ones are sunflower, safflower, cottonseed, soybean and corn oil). No animal fats, meat drippings, gravies, palm oils or coconut oils.
• Sweets: Nothing fried, chocolate or sugary. Yikes! Sherbet, Jell-O, pudding made with skim milk and egg white soufflĂ© are okay, but no more than two servings a day.
• Drinks: Fresh fruit juices (not sugary ones), black coffee or tea and sugarless soft drinks are fine. No whole milk or fatty coffee creamer.
• Herbs & Sauces: Herbs, spices, vinegar, soy sauce, Worcestershire sauce and mustard can be used freely (but don't overdo the sodium!)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Be A Better Bodybuilder

In just a moment, I am going to give you the key that will unlock any bodybuilding goal you may have now or any goal you may have in the future. It is the secret to permanent fat loss, muscle gain, and getting an incredible physique. No magic, no potions, no screaming , just a fact.
The key to being a great bodybuilder is choosing to be one. Becoming a bodybuilder and being bigger and stronger than most people is simply a choice that you make. In fact, I could end this article with that said (some of you probably wish that I would).
Anything you want in life, any goal or desire can be yours if you simply choose to go after it. Things just do not fall into place naturally and without effort. Yes, they do fall, just not where you want them to. You must first "think" of what it is you want and then choose to go after it.
And if you do not get what you want? Try it again. Like the back of the shampoo bottle says, "Lather, Rinse, Repeat." Keep at it until you kill it and claim it. Forget blame. Forget victim talk. Forget excuses. If you want it, choose to get it.
After you choose it, if you are persistent enough and work hard enough, whatever you wish for can be yours. Want to shed some body fat? Choose to. Want to gain muscle mass? Choose to. Increase your strength or start eating better? Choose to. Life boils down to a series of choices. The better choices you make, the better your life will be.
Some of the choices you make have a long lasting and dramatic impact on your life forever. So, for any of the young aspiring bodybuilders out there, I guarantee if you make better choices now, you will cut out years of trial and error!
Bottom line, if you choose to go after something, you can be assured that it's within your reach because others have already accomplished it.
Any problem that you may face in life, chances are that someone has faced it and has already battled and conquered it. Just follow what it is they did to come out on top.
If becoming a bodybuilder is one of your priorities, you can rest assured that many others have already done it. So the question of whether or not it's possible is not an issue. It's just your turn to go get it.
Where you are today is the result of all the choices you have made up to this point. If you want better, you must make better choices. You can either move ahead or stay behind. The choice is yours.

Good Luck

Friday, December 16, 2011

Three Main Reasons You Need To Use BCAA!

If you've made the commitment to start investing time regularly in a weight lifting workout program, the next step that you must take is getting your nutrition and supplement protocol in line so that you are able to maximize the results you get from your workouts.
Failing to take into account this portion of the equation is a critical mistake because not only will you not be as effective at changing your body composition, but you likely won't have the energy that you otherwise would to put into those workouts.
Getting a full spectrum of amino acids tops the list of important 'musts' that need to be covered, so that's where you should start off when planning your supplement program.
The following are some of the top reasons why investing in a BCAA supplement is a smart move.

The first thing you'll experience if you choose to supplement your diet with branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) is immune system support. Every time you go into the gym and lift weights, you are placing an enormous amount of stress on the body. If the body is not able to fully tolerate this stress level, that's when you're going to see problems develop regarding muscle recovery and, possibly, an increased likelihood of illness.
Because the essential amino acids cannot be produced by the body and must be consumed directly, if you fail to get these in your body, it will not have everything it needs to maintain a normal, healthy immune system. Further, one study performed by the Laboratory of Human Nutrition for Athletes suggested that taking branched chain amino acids around exercise also decreased the immune system response that is demonstrated.
Ensures No Amino Acid Deficiencies
The second big benefit you'll experience if you supplement your diet with branched chain amino acids is that you can rest assured that you will not experience deficiencies in overall amino acid levels. Many of those who are on highly restricted diets such as those prepping for contests or those who adopt a vegetarian way of eating will run the risk of not taking in the essential amino acids, so this supplement helps make up for that.
Care must always be taken in terms of food selection when limiting protein rich foods such as meat products, whole eggs, and dairy. Overlooking this on your diet could have very large consequences, so be sure it isn't a mistake you make.

As a working athlete, you're probably also concerned with the rate of protein synthesis taking place in your body. Since new muscle mass can only be built when protein synthesis takes course and old tissue is repaired while new tissue is built up, the faster this process progresses, the quicker you will see results.
Part of making sure this process starts up is providing the right nutrients, both the building blocks to build the tissue and the energy to get the job done. Glucose from carbohydrates will satisfy the latter need, while the amino acids you take in will help satisfy the former. Branched chain amino acids appear to speed this rate even further when combined with the insulin response that comes from ingesting the glucose molecules.
Prevention Of Lean Muscle Mass Loss
Finally, any time your body is under stress or you are required to take a break from training and doing very little physical activity, you will be at a risk for lean muscle mass loss. This is particular significant in those who are undergoing surgical procedures, so research has been conducted to determine what, if anything can be done to prevent this catabolic effect.
One study suggested that when patients received a solution containing the three essential amino acids compared to those who were receiving only a dextrose solution did not move into a negative nitrogen balance during the recovery period, which is indicative of lean muscle tissue loss.
From this study we can also predict that if you're out because of a serious injury of any kind, that is the time it will be especially important to make sure you're supplementing with branched chain amino acids as early as possible as it's this quick treatment that helps to speed the rate of recovery in the body as well as maintain nitrogen balance.
Many individuals do a good job at making sure they are taking in enough protein and carbohydrates during the pre and post workout period. Often they will even go to the extent of looking into other supplements that will help them take their results just that little bit further such as creatine or glutamine, but yet still overlook the benefits of a good branched chain amino acid product.
Don't be the person to let this hinder your goals. Although it may seem like a rather simple supplement, it's one that will really make a difference in your training, particularly if you are already running a deficiency.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Big Hamstrings!

By now, if you have been training for longer than a day then you know that you shouldn't take lightly the importance of leg training. No one wants to be the guy walking on the beach with the big upper body and walking around on what looks like toothpicks with shorts on. You need to hit the legs and you need to train them hard to make them grow.
Normally what happens is guys go in the gym to train legs and start with quads. After a few intense exercises there they move on to hamstrings. They will knock out a few sets for them and then decide to call it a day. This is not going to lead to balanced, muscular legs. If you are serious about training, then you need to pay better attention to the back of your thighs.
The hamstrings cross and act upon two joints - the hip and the knee. The semitendinosus and semimembranosus extend the hip when the trunk is in a fixed position. They also flex the knee and inwardly rotate the lower leg when the knee is bent. The long head of the biceps femoris extends the hip as when beginning to walk; both short and long heads flex the knee and laterally outwardly rotates the lower leg when the knee is bent. The hamstrings play a crucial role in many daily activities, such as, walking, running, jumping and controlling some movement in the trunk. In walking, they are most important as an antagonist to the quads in the deceleration of knee extension.
You can pay better attention to your hamstrings by training them one of three ways. You can either train the hamstrings first on leg day one week followed by starting with quads the next week. You can split leg day up by training quads or hamstrings in the morning and the other muscle group in the evening. Or you can train hamstrings on their own day. If you really want to improve the hamstrings, I recommend the latter suggestion. I am aware that scheduling doesn't always allow you to do that and you may need to train the entire legs in one day. If that is the case with you, go with one of the other two options.
The last thing you want is a pulled or torn hamstring. Obviously stretching and warming up is crucial in all training, and training the legs is no exception. If anything, it is more important. Start by walking on the treadmill or riding the bike for about 10-to-15 minutes. Then go to a place where you have plenty of room to stretch out and loosen up.
Don't just stretch the legs either. Stretch the entire body including your core so you can train hard and be less likely to get hurt. Make sure you stretch in between some sets and after you finish with the weights as well. Now we are ready to hit the iron. We are going to start with stiff legged deadlifts. Warm up with a bar with no weight on it. If you don't want to worry about your grip, you can use wrist straps. Grasp a bar using an overhand grip.
Stand with your torso straight and your legs spaced using a shoulder width or narrower stance. The knees should be slightly bent. This is your starting position. Keeping the knees stationary, lower the barbell to over the top of your feet by bending at the waist while keeping your back straight. Keep moving forward as if you were going to pick something from the floor until you feel a stretch on the hamstrings.
Exhale as you perform this movement. Start bringing your torso up straight again by extending your hips and waist until you are back at the starting position. Inhale as you perform this movement. Make sure you maintain looking straight ahead or up at all times. Looking down will put pressure on your neck and back and could lead to injury.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

HST Workout!

What Is HST?

Hypertrophy-Specific Training, or simply HST, is a method of training designed to quickly and effectively induce whole body muscle growth. It is based on physiological principles of muscular hypertrophy. These principles were first discovered in the laboratory, and then organized into a method of training that would produce predictable and repeatable hypertrophic effects.
Hypertrophy-Specific Training arose out of the research looking at both the stimuli and mechanisms for muscle cell hypertrophy. Of course, translating these principles into applicable methods (sets & reps & schedules) brings in some possibility of error. As the science continues to explore the exact mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy, this error will be whittled away.
1. Mechanical Load:
Mechanical Load is necessary to induce muscle hypertrophy. This mechanism involves but isn't limited to, MAPk/ERK, satellite cells, growth factors, calcium, and number of other fairly understood factors. It is incorrect to say "we don't know how muscle grows in response to training."
The whole point of the HST book is not to discuss HST, but to present the body of research explaining how hypertrophy occurs. Then HST becomes a relatively obvious conclusion if your goal is hypertrophy.
2. Acute vs. Chronic Stimuli:
In order for the loading to result in significant hypertrophy, the stimulus must be applied with sufficient frequency to create a new "environment," as opposed to seemingly random and acute assaults on the mechanical integrity of the tissue. The downside of taking a week of rest every time you load a muscle is that many of the acute responses to training like increased protein synthesis, prostaglandins, IGF-1 levels, and mRNA levels all return to normal in about 36 hours.
So, you spend 2 days growing and half a week in a semi-anticatabolic state returning to normal (some people call this recovery), when research shows us that recovery can take place unabated even if the muscle is loaded again in 48 hours. So true anabolism from loading only lasts 2 days at best once the load is removed. The rest of the time you are simply balancing nitrogen retention without adding to it.
3. Progressive Load:
Over time, the tissue adapts and becomes resistant to the damaging effects of mechanical load. This adaptation (resistance to the stimulus) can happen in as little as 48 hours (Repeated Bout Effect or Rapid Training Effect). As this happens, hypertrophy will stop, though neural and metabolic adaptations can and may continue.
As opposed to hypertrophy, the foundation for the development of strength is neuromuscular in nature. Increases in strength from resistance exercise have been attributed to several neural adaptations including altered recruitment patterns, rate coding, motor unit synchronization, reflex potentiation, prime mover antagonist activity, and prime mover agonist activity.
So, aside from incremental changes in the number of contractile filaments (hypertrophy), voluntary force production (i.e. strength) is largely a matter of "activating" motor units.
4. Strategic Deconditioning:
At this point, it is necessary to either increase the load (Progressive load), or decrease the degree of conditioning to the load (Strategic Deconditioning). The muscle is sensitive not only to the absolute load, but also to the change in load (up or down).
Therefore, you can get a hypertrophic effect from increasing the load from a previous load, even if the absolute load is not maximum, assuming conditioning (resistance to exercise induced micro-damage) is not to extensive.
There is a limit to the number of increments you can add to increase the load. You simply reach your maximum voluntary strength eventually. This is why Strategic Deconditioning is required for continued growth once growth has stopped (all things remaining equal).
Utilizing Lactic Acid As A Stimulus For Tendon Repair/Health:
Now HST incorporates a few other things such as higher reps (for lactic acid) to prepare the muscles and tendons for future heavy loads. This serves as "regular maintenance". Without it, you increase your risk of chronic injuries and pain. The metabolically-taxing reps enhance healing of strained tendons.
Compound Exercises:
HST also suggests using compound exercises to maximize the effects of loading on as much muscle as possible per exercise.
Progressively Adjusting Reps To Accommodate Progressive Load:
HST suggests that you use 2 week blocks for each rep range. Why? It has nothing to do with adaptation. It is simply a way to accommodate the ever increasing load. Of course, you could adjust your reps every week (e.g. 15, 12, 10, 8, 5, etc.), but this is more complicated and people might not understand.
Often times, in order to communicate an idea you must simplify things, even at the expense of perfection. If people can't understand it, they won't do it. What good would that do or anybody? Then, over time, people figure out for themselves the other possibilities that exist within the principles of hypertrophy.
Low Volume Per Exercise (Average Volume Per Week):
HST suggests that you limit the number of sets per exercise per workout to 1 or 2. This is based on "some" evidence that sets beyond the first "effective" set do little more than burn calories.
Some may question the validity of HST not utilizing more than 1 or 2 sets per exercise. The number of sets is set low to accommodate the frequency necessary to create an effective and consistent environment to stimulate hypertrophy. Over the course of a week, the volume isn't that different from standard splits (e.g. chest should tri, back bi, legs).
HST is a training idea based on numerous scientific principles and data that has been rendered to be effective by many trainees, even including a few professional bodybuilders. It is an idea that has direct scientific evidence to support itself. It is based on training each body part three times per week so as to constantly induce growth.
The idea is that constant tension on the muscles will lead to more hypertrophy than a conventional split in which a muscle is subject to stress once or twice per week and the other 5-6 days of the week are spent training other body parts and not stimulating each muscle group. However, over the course of an entire week, the total number of sets for each body part will be similar to a conventional body part split.

What is the best HST workout? Be specific and make sure to list exercises, reps, sets, etc.

The principles of HST are based on progressive load and on training each muscle group 3 times per week. The program is based around 2 week cycles in specific rep ranges. Also, the goal of the workouts is intensity and stimulation, not annihilation of the muscle group.
This routine is not suggested for a beginner trainee, but for an intermediate or advanced lifter with at least 1-2 years of solid training experience. You must first establish your 15-Rep Max, your 10-Rep Max, and your 5-Rep Max for each of the lifts in the program.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Why Women Should Lift Weights!

Many women make a huge mistake when they step foot in the gym. They assume that heavy weightlifting will turn them into gargantuan man-ladies. If you're a woman, answer this: when you go into the gym, what is the typical tact you take to your workout program?
Do you first do a light warm-up on the mats? Then do you head over to the cardio machines for a good 20 or 40 minutes, thinking you've gotta blast that cheesecake you mashed last night? Then, do you flex with a few rounds of lightweight circuit sets? Finally, maybe you head off to the exercise mats to crunch for 10 to 20 minutes trying to lean that tummy?
If this is your patty-cake program, it's time to change your course! The program above illustrates most women's workout programs. They don't want to get big and 'bulky,' so they gravitate toward exercises they think burn the most calories and 'tone' their muscles. "No bulk needed. Thank you very much."
These women actually accomplish very little. They may burn a few hundred calories during the cardio workout, and possibly a hundred more in the circuit training, but they won't reshape how their bodies look. A complete body transformation cannot take place when you're pushing daisies instead of iron.
If you want that complete body transformation, to the point where your family hardly recognizes you, then you have to sit up and change, right now. Take action and start lifting heavy weights.
"But won't I get bulky?"
No - and here's why.
Female Testosterone Levels
The first reason lifting heavy weights won't make you don tights, rip sleeves, and become the next Incredible Hulk is that you don't have the testosterone levels to pack on tons of mass.
Men have higher testosterone levels than women; women have higher estrogen levels than men. Compare testosterone levels in a man to the amount in a woman and you find a large gap. Why? Simply put, women don't have testicles. The lion's share of male testosterone comes from the testes.
Women do produce the hormone, but it comes from your ovaries and adrenal glands in smaller doses. Talk to your doctor and have your testosterone levels tested, especially if you've had your ovaries removed, as you will produce even lower levels of the important hormone.
Testosterone is the primary muscle-building hormone in the body. Since women have significantly less of this "Heracles Hormone," they cannot put on muscle mass as easily as men.
Even women who want to build bigger muscles and work extremely hard to bulk still build muscle mass at a fraction of the rate that men do. Stop worrying and start lifting - you won't turn into the Hulk overnight ... unless you get blasted with weaponized Gamma radiation.

Female Dietary Habits
The second reason women won't go "GREEN" from lifting heavier weights is that most women don't consume enough calories to create the mass. Think about it this way: when was the last time you purposefully over-ate to gain weight? Christmas dinner over-indulgence doesn't count.
We're talking purposely consuming more calories than you need, not because of enjoyment, but because you want to gain. When was the last time you forced down extra servings of protein at dinner because it fit your mass-gaining goals? Chances are, never. Most women are born restriction eaters. They have a built-in tendency to want to be slimmer.
To become the bulky beast you needlessly fear, you would have to eat excessive calories daily, add supplementation, and then lift heavy weights on a regular basis. Many women hardly eat enough calories to maintain their current body weight. Getting huge isn't easy. It won't happen to you if you learn how to bench press.
Female Force Development
Finally, you won't get big and bulky because you typically won't generate the degree of force that men will. There are some strong women out there who push themselves to the max. But for the most part, men have a larger degree of drive to push their bodies beyond the limits of comfort. (Refer to the difference in testosterone levels above!)
Building significant amounts of muscle mass requires pushing yourself past the point of comfort. Can you still squat near your max when you know your muscles are tearing? Can you push past and go harder? Many men go on, sometimes to the point of injury. The force factor keeps most women from generating extremely large volumes of muscle mass.
Higher Metabolic Rates
Now that we've established that you're not going to suddenly put on 1,000 pounds, turn green and rampage through downtown, let's talk about some of the great benefits to weight training.
Heavier weight offers women a higher metabolic rate. Since you work against a high degree of resistance with heavy weights, you create tiny muscular tears throughout the body. You will expend a greater number of calories post-workout to repair those tiny tears, thus increasing your overall calorie requirements.
Most women want to get lean and shed body fat. Doesn't a high metabolism sound like something that might help you achieve that goal? You bet it does.

Greater Muscle Definition
The next benefit to lifting heavier weights is that you'll see greater overall muscle definition. When you lift such a light weight as most women do (really? 2-pound curls?), the muscles are barely challenged.
As a result, your muscles won't feel any need to adapt (grow) since they can easily handle what you throw at them.
Push yourself harder and take the weight up to the next level - that's when you see muscle definition and form improve. Provided you also follow a proper diet for fat loss, heavy weights will create the greatest change to how your body looks.
Improved Functional Strength
The final benefit you achieve by lifting heavier weights is that you improve functional strength capabilities. Since you get much stronger by lifting heavier weights, everyday activities will get much easier over time. You won't need to call your brother to move a couch anymore, or even have your son carry your suitcase. Muscularity also means a lower chance of injury if you participate in sports or other activities.
Do not fear heavy weights any longer. What you should fear is being old and weak. What you should fear is wasting more time training strategies that just won't get you where you want to go. Push your body - you are stronger than you think.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How to Squat!

Is the squat for you? It has also been noted in literature that squats isn't for everyone because their are those in which their body mechanics are structured differently, thereby, making a squatting position dangerous since their bodies cannot accommodate. For example, long limbs, joint immobility and even having "flat feet" (like myself). Flat feet places additional stress on the joints and lower back. However, do not limit yourself to your own body-mechanics. If you do you will not reach your full and realized potential. When I include squats in my routine it is almost always first (unless I am pre-exhausting with leg extensions first) and always used for increasing power, strength and mass.
Squat Tools - Use but do not Abuse!
Wear a lifting belt. A lifting belt keeps your back supported, tight and in line with the rest of your body. It's your back support for executing this terrific exercise. Training smart means training safe. Wear a lifting belt - on your first set - and then take it off on your last couple of sets (that is, if you are pyramiding your training in Reverse)! BUT do not abuse this tool along with other fine tools, e.g., lifting straps and knee wraps. If you rely on lifting tools to assist lift the weight, rather than your stabilizers, they will become weak, vulnerable and you will become prone to injury!
Squat Execution
Place your feet flat on the floor. Some will use a block to place under their heels. No. It's either feet flat on the floor or no squats at all. Placing a block under your heels actually places more (not less) pressure on the knees since a block forces the body to lean forward. Placing a block under your heels comes from the old school of thought (70s) and you are kidding yourself it is safer and thinking you can handle heavier poundages. Take a foot stance that feels comfortable for you - usually shoulder width. For a conventional or "bodybuilding" feet and knee placement point your feet and toes forward to help stabilize your body. Make sure your knees remain over your toes at all times! This conventional stance of pointing the toes forward and keeping the knees aligned over your toes throughout the range of motion will help emphasize your thighs and not your knees. If you have long legs you might consider taking a "powerlifting" wide stance with toes pointed out while keeping the knees aligned over your toes. This stance will not only utilize your thighs but your hips as well.
Next, place the bar over your trapezius muscle, not over your neck. The bar should be placed as far back as possible on the traps for the weight to be distributed properly for a safe execution. Place your hands around the bar and take a grip comfortable for you to help keep the weight balanced and stabilized. Now thrust your hips forward (do not stick your butt out), pull in your abdominals, and keep your lower back in a near neutral position (a slightly arched back might be unavoidable) - as much as possible. Like in bent-over barbell rows tighten your whole body when you perform the squat. Not only will your legs and hips assist lifting the weight but your whole body will: chest, abs, arms and back. Like with any exercise you perform make sure your whole body is tight and stable. This is the key to performing more reps with a lot of weight!
Controlling Your Movements
In a controlled manner slowly lower yourself (hips or butt first) down and back (not forward) to a near or parallel (not below parallel) position. The weight should be distributed on your upper thighs and the heels or balls of your feet, neither your toes nor your knees. But don't go so far back where you lose balance and fall over backwards! From this weight distribution push up off your heels and lift the weight utilizing everything in your body while maintaining good, proper and safe form: your upper thighs, calves, hamstrings, lower back, chest, back, arms and abs - most every part in the whole body except your knees! Throughout the whole movement your back should be between a 90 and 45-degree angle for safe execution.
Do not lock out at the top in an effort to continue to build continuous tension in your thighs. If you wish to lock out at the top of the movement make sure you flex your thighs hard for a pause for peak contraction. If rest is inescapable during the set then by all means rest! But don't rest too long as this will create additional stress on the lower back and begin to tighten up. Rest at the top of the movement near completion of the set to catch your breath so you can crank out more reps!
Keeping the upper body tight and secure is the big key to improving squats or any other squat exercise ? even leg presses. During a maximum set of squats your breathing will be heavy, your body will be tight and your quads will be shaking, like a trembling tremor quake! After you've squatted your first or two sets, whether with heavy weight, low reps or light weight, high reps you will be gasping for air, taking you 5 or more minutes to catch your breath! You can accelerate your cardio to the MAX in only one or two sets of squats if you are tight, secure and focused! People don't know what they are missing without squatting - build muscle, burn fat & increase cardio at the same time!