Saturday, December 25, 2010


1. What is it and where does it come from?
Boron is required by your body in trace amounts for proper metabolism of calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Boron helps brain function, healthy bones, and can increase alertness.
Boron supplements are especially good for older people. Boron is known to help support proper bone growth. Boron is also useful for people who want to build muscle.
2. What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?

As boron is not yet considered an essential nutrient for humans, it is not clear whether deficiencies occur. However, diets that are low in fruit, vegetables, legumes, and nuts provide less boron than diets that contain more of these foods.
It's found in raisins, prunes, and nuts are generally excellent sources of boron. Fruit (other than citrus), vegetables, and legumes also typically contain significant amounts. Actual amounts vary widely, depending upon boron levels in soil where the food is grown.
3. Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?
Accidental acute exposure to high levels of boron can cause nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, rash, convulsions, and other symptoms. Although chronic exposures can cause related problems, the small (usually 1-3 mg per day) amounts found in supplements have not been linked with toxicity in most reports. Nonetheless, in one double-blind trial using 2.5 mg of boron per day for two months, hot flashes and night sweats worsened in 21 of 43 women, though the same symptoms improved in 10 others. Women who have hot flashes or night sweats have been diagnosed as menopausal symptoms and who supplement with boron should consider discontinuing use of boron-containing supplements to see if the severity of their symptoms is reduced.
One study found that 3 mg per day resulted in increased estrogen and testosterone levels. Increased estrogen has also been reported in several women taking 2.5 mg per day. The increase in estrogen is of concern because it could theoretically increase the risk of several cancers. Although no increased risk of cancer has been reported in areas of the world where boron intake is high, some doctors recommend that supplemental boron intake be limited to a maximum of 1 mg per day.
The relationship between boron and other minerals is complex and remains poorly understood. Boron may conserve the body's use of calcium, magnesium, and vitamin D. In one study, the ability of boron to reduce urinary loss of calcium disappeared when subjects were also given magnesium. Therefore, boron may provide no special benefit in maintaining healthy bone mass in the presence of adequate amounts of dietary magnesium.
4. How much should be taken? Are there any side effects??
A leading boron expert has suggested 1-3 mg per day of boron is a reasonable amount to consume. People who eat adequate amounts of produce, nuts, and legumes are likely already eating two to six times this amount. Therefore, whether the average person would benefit by supplementing with this mineral remains unclear.
As boron is not yet considered an essential nutrient for humans, it is not clear whether deficiencies occur. However, diets that are low in fruit, vegetables, legumes, and nuts provide less boron than diets that contain more of these foods.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Anabolic Erobics

Every year, there are new techniques in training, diet and supplementation that allow us to take our physiques to the next level. I think many of the "Old School" laws have hung around much longer than they should have. We have to learn to accept that there won't always be one best way to do something. You don't eat your eggs raw anymore, do you? We now have whey protein and there's really no need to do it anymore.
Cardio: Yea or Nay
Well there's one more thing that should go. And that's the law that says cardio will kill your gains in muscle. Cardio should be a part of every program whether your goal is maximum muscle or serious fat loss. In fact cardio, if implemented intelligently, can even augment your effort in the weight room! That's right, you don't need to be come a slob to put on muscle. You can stay lean and even lose that spare tire in the process.Is it really possible to build muscle with out 6,000 calories a day?? You bet your sweet ass it is! And even more interesting, it happens in young, healthy people who have been training for years. Its really a matter of how you go about it and how you manipulate your diet to maximize you bodies internal workings. This first article is going to focus on just how cardio can help grow muscle.First we need to realize that simply increasing caloric intake does not lead to muscle mass. We can all agree that the types of calories (ie. Protein, carbs, fat) play a much bigger roll. Its also been widely accepted that keeping glycogen stores high is a determining factor in the rate of growth. This is why many bodybuilders find it necessary to consumer more carbohydrates than some endurance athletes.This is where cardio, and more specifically intense cardio comes into play. A protein molecule called, GLUT4, transports glucose. It basically sits on the surface of cells. The more you have the more glucose can be carried into muscle cells. High intensity aerobic work greatly increases the amount of the transporters. Intense aerobics also creates the same catabolic state and 3 hour nutritional window of opportunity as does weight training. This is the first down fall of many bodybuilders.How many of you out there actually supplement a cardio session exactly the same as weight training?? That's what I thought. And this response stays elevated above normal resting conditions for literally days.
However, you can't get any glucose into a muscle cell with out the presence of insulin, the king of anabolic hormones. If you don't control your insulin all day, every day, you are basically shooting a hole in the boat you're sitting in . Both aerobic and heavy weight training increase insulin sensitivity , so in the long run, less carbs are needed to reach optimal levels of glycogen stores. There is also a strong correlation between the amount of insulin secreted and the rate of protein synthesis . And, surprise, surprise, insulin responses are much higher to the initial dose of carbs after intense exercise .
However, the longer you are inactive, those high rates of synthesis drop off quickly with ever hour that passes . So for those of you who lift on a 3-day split, you may be wise to slip a short intense cardio session on those off days. And if you are someone who goes to lift twice a day, it would also be wise to make one of those times a cardio session instead of more weights. By lifting two times a day, you are setting yourself up for disaster. It seems that with every weight training session on a given day, the catabolic hormone response is amplified !But overall cortical (the catabolic hormone) levels stay very low in people who go once a day, every day . In fact, its been shown that people who incorporate 3 days of weight and 3 days of cardio gain more lean mass, and even with a negative nitrogen balance . As much as a 4% increase in dry muscle. Not, fat free mass, not weight, not lean mass, pure stinking muscle. And a loss of 5% body fat ta-boot .Growth hormones and IGF-1
The most promising aspect of cardio work is its effect on the two remaining hormones that are paramount in muscle growth, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I. Now, there has been some debate as to whether or not GH is really anabolic and increases muscle mass. Well let's say for argument's sake that it isn't. But one thing is for sure, its metabolic offspring, IGF-I sure as hell is !We all know that stacking on the heavy weights increases these two hormones rather effectively , but not many think of cardio doing that as well. In fact, cardio is just as effective as the heavy weights . GH whether or not it is actually active in muscle growth is irrelevant when you know that it is the hormone that stimulates the release of IGF-I . And it appears that as the intensity of the cardio increases, so does the amount of GH .And to top it all off, if for some unknown reason you decide to do more than one cardio session a day, the release of GH is magnified with every time . What exactly is "intense" cardio? Well roughly 85-90% or your VO2 max, or heart rate . If you can go for more than 20 continuous minutes, it simply isn't hard enough. The goal of intense cardio is to not so much burn off the 400 calories in the session, but to let your body do that as it tries to "fix" it self after the ass whipping you just dished out.The shorter your sessions, the less chance you run of hitting the catabolic wall . However, the effects of IGF-I on muscle seem to be "local", meaning it has to be produced by, or introduced into the muscle . And because contracting muscle has an insulting-like action (you probably call it the "pump"), all the extra movement from the cardio will be drawing more IGF-I in to cells. So it would be wise to find some type of cardio that uses a lot of different muscle groups.So to bring this to a close, doing cardio during a "bulking" phase to stay lean or lose some extra fat will only magnify your efforts in the gym. Cardio increases your ability to store glycogen with less carbs and calories, it conditions our body to suppers catabolic hormones for longer periods of time and it not only sets the muscle building stage buy producing an abundance of anabolic hormone, but it keeps the process going at a high rate .

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


quats are the main diet for the powerlifter, Olympic lifter, football player, track & field competitor and every other competitive athlete. But there are many assistant exercises that deliver that extra for squat strength and quad development. These assistant exercises offer coordination and balance to specific muscle groups to execute squat performance and quad development. So, whether that boost is strength, power, size, or a combination of them all, assistant exercises play a very important factor in the squat.
The squat is a strength and mass builder. Squat assistance exercises are done for shaping, and also strength. Let me explain. Bodybuilders are not interested in getting their squat to an all time max as a powerlifter is. Not all of them anyway. The competitive bodybuilder uses squat assistance exercises for shaping. But, the powerlifter is more interested in serious strength gains. Assistant squat exercises give an extra boost on all strength levels. Absolute strength, limit strength, starting strength and explosive strength. For those of you who are not referenced to these terms and those of you who need "strength" defined let me explain. Strength is the ability of the muscle to exert maximal force at a specific velocity.
Absolute strength constitutes a maximum amount of weight lifted like a "max" squat! Explosive strength is the max force exerted in a certain extension period of time. Limit strength is similar to absolute strength, which is the recruitment of musculoskeletal force generated for one all-out effort. Starting strength is the athlete's ability to "switch on" as many muscle fibers as possible in one instant. The ability to place an overload on the muscle that is being exerted with a heavier weight for maximum reps enables those muscles to get use to higher workloads.
There are many assistant exercises that can imitate the squat itself. Like placing your legs on the leg press or a hack machine with the same feet spacing you would for squatting. Assistant exercises can be box squats or reverse-hyper extensions, famed exercises performed by Louis Simmons students, step-ups, single leg presses, and many others. This is all good, but you ask why step-ups? Well, think about it. Step-ups are in all conventional terms a one legged squat. This specific assistant exercise will benefit you in gaining leg strength, the same as the single legged press would but with the added benefit of balance. Any individual who desires a good assistant exercise for squats should give single leg presses a try. I hope you realize that one leg can't press what both can, so, start off light increasing your weight each set until you get to a good working weight performing 6-10 reps on each leg. When doing leg presses or hack squats place your feet together and try 20-reps for each set. I recommend only 2-3 sets of those. They're pretty grueling! I am sure your legs will be ready to explode after all that.
The definition of the word "assistant" means: "assisting; helping; serves as a helper," - that's all an assistant squat exercise is - a helper. There are many different supplementary assistant exercises to implement in your squat training regiment. The best way to find out what is best for you is to first ask yourself what your goal is. Is your goal Strength? Size? Or both? Really, it doesn't matter because whatever assistant exercise you choose, done properly, over a period of time, will only spell out increases in strength, size, and shape. So, don't forget to take your supplements and give me one more rep!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


1. What is it and where does it come from?

DHEA is an acronym for the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (now you know why people use the acronym.)
Levels of DHEA are quite high at birth, drop during childhood, and peak during young adulthood. The levels continue to drop throughout life.
2. What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?

DHEA is HOT, and you will see why. When this compound is supplemented, it has been shown to have awesome effects. It has been shown to help people lose weight, burn fat and build muscle.* Dietary supplements of DHEA can help maintain proper levels in the body and can aid a person in their overall well being.*

Is there enough that can be said about DHEA? Apparently not. It may also have positive effects on supporting a healthy immune response and maintaining healthy blood sugar levels that are already within the normal range.*
3. Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?

Because DHEA levels decrease with age, people above middle age can have incredible results as the studies above have shown. Body builders or athletes can have some of the greatest beneficial results. They can use it to help build strong muscles and lower body fat.* It is also said to help keep the brain clear and the skin smooth as well!*
4. How much should be taken? Are there any side effects?

When used in the correct dosages, DHEA is great. But, with any kind or hormone or compound, when used incorrectly it can cause problems. The exact right dosage may vary with each individual, so consulting a physician is probably a good idea. Women and men over age 60 are commonly prescribed 50mg and 100mg. Obviously since younger people produce more DHEA naturally, they should take less. Pregnant or nursing women should not take it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chest Development

In this article I am going to discuss what I feel is the most effective and growth promoting workout for the chest. The majority of bodybuilders and weight training enthusiasts feel that a chest workout is not considered "complete" without utilizing free-weight barbell press as their primary and core exercise. Many of these individuals also believe that strength is relative to size and are more intrigued by training their egos with heavy poundage they cannot handle instead of utilizing proper form and weight selection and actually stimulating the fibers of the chest to promote growth during recovery time.
Speaking of recovery time, it also amazes me how these selective individuals seem to have the ability to train chest two to three times per week. It makes me wonder what they consider an effective workout. Is it a workout that doesn't promote growth to the chest but makes poundage go up by small increments on a monthly or yearly basis? If this is so, you shouldn't be reading this article. This article if for those who want real chest growth, don't have an ego, and don't get pissed off when they have to sacrifice their "brute poundage" for a more efficient workout.
Stimulating The Chest
The chest workout that I will present is the current chest workout that I have found to be most effective at stimulating the chest. This workout incorporates techniques that many people don't believe in or follow due to observation. I feel that the main reason in which people will not utilize the three techniques that I will discuss is due to the fact that they are too whimsical to endure the pain that these principles are capable of inflicting on the body.
Most bodybuilders and weight trainers would rather use straight sets (which don't cause too much pain on the body), and they would also rather use their heavy poundage that they feel proud of achieving. I mean what is worse than having to drop the weight that you were capable of using and actually suffer while using it? But if you want to have a barrel sized chest with striations and veins running through it, I feel these techniques are the only way to blast the chest enough to get it to that point of growth. The 5 techniques that are used in almost all of my workouts are: pre-exhaust, triple drop sets, and also rest pause, and my two new favorites - super slow, and extreme stretching. Without these techniques I would be lost at a sub-intensity level and not achieve the feeling of accomplishment that I do with these principles.
So now with a simple background on what you will be up for lets introduce the most beneficial workout for the chest. This workout always begins on the Pec-deck fly machine. Why might you ask? Well it is only the best machine to fully isolate the chest and pre-exhaust it to its full extent. Lets paint a picture. Most people on chest day will go straight to the flat press, don't get me wrong its an excellent movement but it has downfalls.
When using the flat barbell press. When you reach failure your triceps andshoulders usually give out before you can fully blast and stimulate the chest. But with pre-exhaust your chest, and only your chest will already be stimulated before you get to the flat press. So back to the workout, my workout partner and I will usually warm up with some light sets before we start to inflict the pain. On this machine, only one working set will be preformed. With the style that it is preformed in you wont want/be able to perform another set in a similar fashion.
The Workout
All right, now lets get this workout going. After a few light warm up sets on the pec-deck we are then ready for our one working set. The style in which the set is preformed is a triple drop set with forced reps and also very slow reps during the set. Now the set has begun, 6 to 8 slow and controlled reps are preformed before I start to reach failure. My partner then steps in and helps me further complete another 2-4 reps. I have just completed the first of the three sets and now the weight stack has been reduced slightly. With no times rest the second set has begun and 4 to 6 slow reps are preformed to failure with an additional 2-4 partner assisted reps.
The stack has then been reduced again and a similar set as the previous is preformed, but this time I like to add some pauses at the stretch and also the contraction. After this triple drop set my chest is on fire and in enough pain to call it quits for the day. But hey, that's just the pre-exhaustion, right?
After your first working set, your chest will be pumped beyond belief and hurting enough to feel like you did a full workout, but we still have to do presses! The next exercise that I use is the Incline smith press. I feel that this hits the chest perfect if you angle it right. After one or two warm-ups we proceed to our (like the pec-deck) one working set, just like the Deck-Deck we are performing a triple drop. With the set begun I hit 4-5 reps with five second negatives, after I reached failure I get 2-3 partner assisted reps.
The weight is dropped, and the same set and rep protocol is preformed until I reach failure. Again the weight is dropped and the same style set is preformed to complete the triple drop.
With my chest destroyed beyond belief I move on to my third and final exercise, which is flat dumbbell pres, rest-pause. This exercise is just like a finishing up for the chest due to the fact that it will be destroyed from the two previous sets. After picking a weight that is moderately heavy I bang out 8-10 reps with five-second negatives, and place them back up on my thighs in a seated position. After 15-20 seconds rest I again proceed to do another set, this time only getting 3-4 reps with five-second negatives. The weight is then rested again and I final set is preformed only getting 2-3 reps and a 20 second hold at mid point at the end, ouch.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Organic Foods

one of the biggest difficulties bodybuilders face on a daily basis is the content of their diet. Most often, the term 'diet' is typically misunderstood as the lack of food a person intakes in a day. However, bodybuilders know better.To give credit where credit is due, bodybuilders must be credited with developing thesupplements that exist not only on this website, but in any store which carries the most basic protein powder to the esoteric supplements.Bodybuilding gave birth to a non-existent niche in the food industry, to one of the most lucrative industries in the past decade with no end in sight. As wonderful as it is to go to a store and buy a supplement which will help you achieve your goals, there still is a market that is essential and a worthwhile endeavor for bodybuilders to explore.
Organic foods are perhaps the least of the explored venues to attain good health. By definition, organic foods are those foods which are grown without the use of pesticides - however, this is not always the case.Many national chains claim to carry "organic" foods by simply not using the typical pesticides, yet the national chain uses foods which have been genetically manipulated so as not to need the pesticide. However, this process diminishes the qualitative value of the food. But before I proceed with descriptions of organic foods, let me elaborate the importance of using organic foods.

Advantages Of Organic Foods

Organic foods, such as an organic tomato, have a qualitative value which a commercial tomato could not match. The organically-grown tomato has not had any pesticides used to keep its natural enemies away from them. Typically, organic farmers use a natural pesticide that is safe and does not diminish the quality of the tomato.However, a commercially-grown tomato has lost a great deal of its nutrition because of the pesticides used to keep it safe from its natural enemies.Another reason to eat an organic tomato (or any organic foods for that matter) is that organic food is picked when it is ripe versus the commercial tomato. This may seem like a small issue, but it is perhaps the most important issue which makes organic food a most invaluable tool for bodybuilders.Since organic food is picked when it is ripe, the food has had the ability to absorb all the trace vitamins and minerals which is sadly lacking in commercial foods. Commercial foods are picked when the vegetables are still green and do not have the opportunity to absorb all the trace vitamins and minerals which the soil offers.In essence, all the consumer is getting from the commercial grown food is filler with very little amounts of vitamins and minerals. In contrast, the organic tomato has an enormous amount of nutrition and a taste which the commercially grown tomato will not match.Since the organic tomato has more nutritional value than the commercial tomato, the bodybuilder can benefit from consuming organic food by the body receiving all the vitamins and minerals that the body needs from exertion from strenuous exercise such as weight training.Since the body is receiving all the vitamins and minerals it needs, the recovery time is faster, thus an improved physique in a shorter period of time. This may prompt the question: What about taking a vitamin/mineral supplement? Is that sufficient?Unfortunately no, because a vitamin/mineral supplement has the macro vitamins and minerals, but not the trace vitamins and minerals (generally speaking). This is the beauty of eating organic foods. With organic foods being the cornerstone of your diet, taking a multivitamin is unnecessary.Another benefit of eating organic food is that the body is getting all of the quality of the nutrition without having to eat huge amounts of food, which commercial foods could not match. For example, an organic tomato has the nutritional equivalent of four commercial tomatoes, thus the less amount of food a person has to consume to get all the necessary nutrition.It has been rumored in the organic "underground" that the cause of many of today'smaladies are because of the quality of food keeps diminishing yet the quantity keeps increasing.The increase in quantity of food is increased because of genetically-engineered food, which on the surface may seem like a good idea, but in reality, we are curing a headache by cutting off the head. However, this is a topic for future reading.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


1. What is it and where does it come from?
Chromium Picolinate is thought to be the best source of chromium. Chromium is a trace mineral that is essential to the body's production of insulin.
Insulin is a hormone that stabilizes the body's blood sugar level. Brewer's yeast is considered the best source of chromium; however, foods such as corn-on-the-cob, buckwheat, apples, beets, tomatoes, wheat germ and bran, and sweet potatoes are excellent sources as well. provides high quality chromium supplement.
2. What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?

Research shows that chromium is an essential part of our diet. Chromium picolinate can have many beneficial results when supplemented. It enhances insulin's effect in the body, improving the uptake of glucose, thereby causing better blood circulation and maintenance of blood sugar level. Gaining energy, burning fat, and building muscle with greater ease are attributed to chromium, to name a few. It assists the body in losing weight by helping it to build muscle to replace fat. Lowering body fat and increasing lean body mass are just a few of the positive properties that chromium picolinate exhibits on the body. Whoa, that is powerful!

Learn more about the benefits of Chromium Picolinate on Clayton South's Health Facts.
3. Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?

Specific people have been shown to dramatically gain from ingesting chromium picolinate. Research indicates that the majority of people in the United States are chromium deficient. Most people could use chromium in their diets. As chromium levels decrease with age and deficiencies occur with people who do not eat a good balanced diet, chromium picolinate supplementation can be very beneficial. Because processed foods have much of the chromium removed, increasing ones chromium content is recommended to sustain proper glucose levels and gain energy. Anyone who likes to live with energy, burn fat, and increase strength and muscle mass would also do well to supplement with chromium...bodybuilders, that's you!
4. How much should be taken? Are there any side effects?

Research and most literature suggest supplementation of between 50 and 300 mcg to compliment a 2,000-calorie diet is adequate. When taken in such doses, chromium picolinate has not been shown to cause toxicity in humans.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Back Development

Back development is a key ingredient in the physique of a bodybuilder. One's back is what makes their upper body look enormous and their waist look tiny. The difficult part is finding a program that will develop your back in all areas. This article will discuss my ideas pertaining to building the back in terms of width, thickness, and form.
The back is a complicated and multi-layered part of your physique. The outer, or visible part of your back consists of the upper, middle and lower trapezius, posterior deltoid, teres major and minor, and the external abdominal oblique. The deeper layers consist of the rhomboids and the erector spinae. This is of course not an all-inclusive list but is sufficient for the purpose of this article.
The width of your back is determined but the size of the latissimus dorsi and the teres major. These are the muscles that are most prominent in the rear lat spread pose. But keep in mind that your lats are displayed with front poses like the front double biceps pose, front lat spread, and abdominals and thighs pose.The exercises that most effectively target these muscles are lat pull downs with a wide overhanded grip. This will hit the upper portion of the lats as well as the teres. You can modify this exercise by using a narrow underhand grip. To hit the lower portion of your lats I suggest doing bent-over bar rows with an underhanded grip. Just make sure you are at approximately a 30 angle from being completely upright. The final exercise I would suggest for this portion of your back would be pullovers either with cables or with a dumbbell.
Back thickness mostly depends on the size of your erector spinae, middle,lower, and upper trapezius, and posterior deltoid. The posterior deltoid really adds to back thickness front a side position because it makes your overall physique look thicker. Developing this part of your back is perhaps the easiest as far as number of exercises but also the most difficult due to amount of weight needed to stimulate the muscles. Some exercise suggestions for back thickness would be deadlifts, seated cable rows, t-bar rows, hyperextensions, and reverse flyes. For these exercises you really need to focus on high poundage repetitions using compound movements. Compound movements are those which involve numerous muscles in order to balance and support the body during the movement. These exercises also happen to have the highest potential for injury secondary to large muscle groups moving large amounts of weight. Be sure to warm up properly and use perfect form for the deadlifts or you will pay for it in the morning.
I tend to be a little more lenient when it comes to form on back exercises (with the exception of deadlifts). This is due to the fact that for each exercise you perform you are using more than one group of muscles. The primary muscles are assisted by additional muscles which serve to stabilize your body to properly perform the exercise. These additional muscles are called secondary or stabilizer muscles.
For example, during seated cable rows you are using middle traps, rhomboids, paraspinals, posterior deltoids, and lats. So in order to get the best bang for your buck cheat a little. When I say cheat I am referring to leaning forward approximately 45 before pulling the weight. To finish the movement bring the handle right to your belly button and bring your chest up. This will really help to involve all the groups of muscles.The idea behind this practice is to recruit as many muscles as possible during one movement. It is very difficult to isolate one muscle during most back movements due to the secondary stabilizer muscles.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Amino Acids

The deluge of dietary supplements on the market today provides countless avenues for the fitness enthusiast to achieve their goals. Rather than drawing into a fitness lifestyle through proper nutrition, exercise, and rest, many will turn to dietary supplements as a panacea for all their fitness dreams. With all of the misinformation and empty promises that accompany many products, trying to keep afloat on all of the new breakthroughs can be overwhelming. Protein powders are the original bodybuilding supplement and continue to be a staple in the bodybuilders diet. Unfortunately, many fitness enthusiasts and bodybuilders' love and devotion to protein far surpass their knowledge of how protein works in the body. Why do so many fitness enthusiasts have such a limited understanding of protein and amino acids? We hope that the information in this article will serve as a beacon among the sea of misinformation about protein and amino acids. The ultimate value of a food protein or a protein supplement is in its amino acid composition. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and muscle tissue. Many physiological processes relating to bodybuilding from energy, recovery, muscle hypertrophy, fat loss, and strength gains are linked to amino acids. The twenty-three amino acids are the molecular building blocks of protein. The amino acids can be divided into two groups: essential amino acids and non-essential amino acids. The nine essential amino acids are so designated because they must be supplied by the foods we eat. The twelve non-essential amino acids are so designated based on the body ability to synthesize them from other amino acids.
The Different Amino Acids
Essential Amino Acids Nonessential Amino Acids
Histidine Alanine
Isoleucine Arginine
Leucine Aspartic Acid
Lysine Cysteine
Methionine Cystine
Phenylalanine Glutamic Acid
Tryptophan Glutamine
Valine Glycine
Threonine Proline
How The Body Handles Protein
The fate of an amino acid after it is transported to the liver is highly dependent on the body needs for that moment. Some amino acids enter the blood stream, where they join amino acids that have been liberated during the constant breakdown and synthesis of body tissue. Other amino acids are used by the liver to manufacture many of the specialized proteins such as liver enzymes, lipoproteins, and the blood protein (albumin). As these amino acids circulate throughout the body, each cell directed by its own DNA blue print, draws from the common pool of available amino acids to synthesize all the numerous proteins required for its functions. In order for protein synthesis to occur, an adequate supply of both essential and non-essential amino acids is vital. If one of the essential amino acids is missing then synthesis is halted. These partially assembled proteins are disassembled and the amino acids returned to the blood. Any amino acids that are not used within a short time can not be stored for future use. They are delivered back to the liver and stripped of their nitrogen. Which is then incorporated into urea and excreted by the kidneys. The remaining protein skeleton will be converted to glucose and burned as energy or converted to fat or glycogen for storage. Although protein synthesis is very important, the body number one priority is to obtain sufficient energy to carry on vital functions such as circulation, respiration and digestion. Therefore, in the absence of adequate dietary carbohydrates and fat calories, the body will break down not only dietary protein but protein in the blood, liver, pancreas, muscles, and other tissues in order to maintain vital organs and functions.
Applications To Bodybuilding
As we have already discussed, the fate of an amino acid after it is transported to the liver is highly dependent upon the body needs at that moment. Immediately after exercise, when the muscle is receptive to nutrients and the blood flow to the exercise muscles remain high; a window of opportunity exists to aid muscular growth and recovery. Unfortunately, a high protein meal will not put significant levels of amino acids into your blood stream until a couple of hours after you eat it, especially if blood flow to the gastrointestinal tract has been diminished by a hard training sessions. The most reliable way to deliver specific amino acids is to administer the particular amino acids themselves through free form amino acids. The value of free form amino acids is first and foremost is that they do not require digestion. They are free of chemical bonds to other molecules and so move quickly through the stomach and into the small intestine, where they are rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream within fifteen minutes. This quick absorption helps prevent muscle catabolism. Without sufficient energy, the human body as discussed above, has the innate ability to break down muscle tissue for use as an energy source during heavy exercise. This process is known as gluconeogenesis, which is the production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources. The part of the reaction that pertains to our discussion is known as the glucose alanine cycle. During this cycle, BCAAs (three of the essential amino acids: leucine, isoleucine, and valine) are stripped from the muscle tissue and parts of them are converted to the amino acid alanine, which is transported to the liver and converted to glucose. Branched-chained amino acids are metabolized directly in the muscle and can be converted into energy to prevent muscle catabolism. If you supplement with BCAAs the body does not have to break down muscle tissue to derive extra energy. A study conducted at the School of Human Biology, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, confirmed that the use of BCAAs (up to 4 grams) during and after exercise could result in a significant reduction of muscle breakdown during exercise. Amino acids are truly the building blocks of muscle tissue and protein. We hope that the article clarifies the importance of amino acid supplementation to your diet as well as reinforce amino acids many physiological contributions to bodybuilding.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Shoulders Pain

Shoulders receive the lion's share of work in the gym. Nearly all upper body routines involve the shoulder to some extent, if only to be held fixed and motionless for the specific movement. Even during leg work, the shoulders are involved with the stacking and unstacking of plates for all the leg routines. Shoulder pain can greatly hamper any training routine and tends to require long periods of time for complete recuperation. Severe injuries can prematurely terminate the careers of professional athletes such as baseball pitchers with rotator cuff problems. For the non-professional athlete, even minor shoulder pain can lead to disturbed sleeping patterns from the inability to find a comfortable position at night. Part I of this two part series will examine shoulder anatomy in sufficient detail to highlight the basis for skeletal variations that can predispose certain individuals to persistent shoulder problems. Part II will go on to present routines for strengthening lesser known shoulder muscles and lifting variations to minimize further trauma. Bear in mind that severe pain, extreme muscle weakness, or inability to perform certain movements may indicate a condition requiring medical attention. Advice presented here should not serve in place of a thorough medical evaluation since certain conditions may require specialized medical intervention or even surgery. Due to its extremely wide range of mobility, the shoulder is one of the most complex joints in the human body. Because of its unusual bone structure and large number of muscle attachments, shoulder pain can be a daunting challenge to most physicians who typically recommend merely rest and anti-inflammatory medications for weeks to months as therapy which may or may not solve the problem. In addition, chronic degenerative changes that accumulate from repeated trauma will likely increase the frequency of shoulder problems for most individuals as they age and continue lifting. While any single article can hardly be exhaustive on the subject of shoulder issues (whole books 16,17 have been devoted to the subject), this discussion will focus on one of the more common problems that results from a combination of unlucky anatomy, undesirable lifting technique, and insufficient attention to auxiliary musculature. The shoulder is the anatomical structure that links the arm with the torso. A wide array of muscles of particular interest to bodybuilders traverse the shoulder including: pecs, lats, delts, and even the biceps. Given that the lats and delts contribute to a wide upper body desirable by bodybuilders, much attention is focused on these muscle groups and considerable stress is applied to the shoulder. Pain and discomfort can dramatically compromise nearly any weightlifting routine. The shoulder as a joint is classically described as a ball and socket (similar in design to the hip joint)1. The ball portion is derived from the end of the upper arm bone, the humerus, and resembles a ball stuck on the end of a long shaft, and is referred to as the humeral head. The socket side is formed from one corner of a roughly triangular flat bone called the shoulder blade (the scapula), that rests over the rib cage, high on the back and extends over the rib cage to the front of the body. The triangular form of the scapula has one side close to the midline of the back with the lower corner angling up towards the shoulder. The third side of the triangle runs parallel to the shoulders across the top. The shoulder blade is thicker in its upper portion than the lower portion, so that the very top of the shoulder blade has a surface (rather than just as edge as with the other two sides of the triangle) with two edges (one towards the body and one away). The top edge pointing away from the body is called the spine and the surface of the top of the shoulder blade is slightly depressed and called the supraspinous fossa (fossa is the technical term for a depression). Moving along the spine towards the shoulder, a bony extension, called the acromion, juts out and arches over the top of the scapula just above the humeral head and can be felt as the bony top of the shoulder. The acromion arches over the top of the scapula from back to front and connects to the collarbone (clavicle) to complete the shoulder girdle. Arising off the top edge opposite the spine, also at the shoulder, across from where the acromion begins and pointing forward over the chest, is a small bony knob called the coracoid process. The short head of the biceps muscles attaches to this piece of bone as well as a small muscle called coracobrachialis and the pectoralis minor muscle (underneath pectoralis major, the main 'pecs'). In addition, a tough ligament connects the coracoid process with the acromion. The socket portion of the scapula that contacts the humerus is called the 'glenoid fossa,' but rather than looking like a true socket, the glenoid fossa is more open with the appearance of a saucer or rather like a golf tee with the humeral head as the golf ball. The reason for the openness is to permit a large range of motion in the joint. The downside to this large range of motion is the propensity of the shoulder to dislocate. A dislocation occurs when the humeral head moves beyond the confines of the glenoid fossa and slips over the lip of the saucer (your golf ball falls off the tee). When any muscle acts across a joint, opposing muscles are contracted as well to stabilize the joint. Imbalances in strength between opposing muscles can potentially lead to injuries. With the shoulder, the anatomy is not as simple as a one dimensional joint (such as the elbow). Movement of the shoulder requires many different muscles to create the movement as well as other muscles to stabilize the shoulder joint. In addition, since the shoulder blade is only attached (by other bones) to the upper arm and collar bone at one end, the blade portion must be held fixed by additional muscles. For example, serratus anterior (best seen in a well muscled, lean individual) is a small group of muscles that arises from the rib cage in front just below the pecs with the muscle bellies extending up and around to the back and disappearing underneath the lats. Serratus anterior attaches to the scapula along the edge closest to the middle of the back. Serratus's job is to prevent the shoulder blade from winging during shoulder movements; in other words, serratus pins the scapula to the back and so serves to stabilize the joint during movements. As discussed above, the shoulder joint has an extremely wide range of motion. A key structure supporting the shoulder joint is the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is concerned with two major functions, rotating the shoulder and cuffing the joint 5,34. Rotation may not appear as an obvious movement with regard to the shoulder. To visualize shoulder rotation, place your arm at your side and bend the elbow to 90o, as if to shake hands, but maintain the upper arm against your side and keep you palm in (thumb up). Keeping your upper arm against your side, bring your forearm and hand across your body to rest your palm on your stomach. That movement is internal shoulder rotation (the upper arm bone, the humerus, is rotating relative to the shoulder; internal is used to denote a movement towards the midline of the body). A more extreme form of internal rotation is to place the back of your hand on the small of your back, again with your elbow bent at 90o. Now keeping your elbow bent, lift your hand away from your body. One muscle of the rotator cuff, subscapularis arises from the underneath side of the shoulder blade (the side against the rib cage) and attaches to the humerus in such a way as to produce rotation of the humerus when contracted. If the lifting of your hand away from your back produces extreme pain or is simply impossible to perform, injury to this muscle (or a tear in its tendon) may be the source. This problem requires medical attention. The opposite motion to internal rotation is external rotation (rotating your forearm away from your stomach with your upper arm against your side) and is produced by contracting two other muscles of the rotator cuff group, infraspinatus and teres minor. These muscles also arise from the shoulder blade, but on the outer side, and also attach to the humerus. These three muscles are responsible for shoulder rotation, but the rotator cuff complex has four muscles and this is where the cuff component is involved. The fourth muscle is called supraspinatus and arises over the top of the shoulder blade (in the supraspinous fossa) and crosses the shoulder joint traveling underneath the acromion and attaching to the humerus just below the humeral head. Altogether, these four muscles (the three true rotators and supraspinatus) are the innermost set of muscles surrounding the shoulder joint and form a cuff around the joint. Bearing in mind the shallow nature of the glenoid fossa and the propensity for the humeral head to dislocate, the contraction of all four muscles forms a tight wall around the lip of the socket to help hold the humeral head in position (centered in the glenoid fossa) 5. During almost any shoulder movement, these muscles are contracting to stabilize the joint throughout the movement by maintaining the humeral head centered in the glenoid fossa 34. When you throw an object, the entire movement is designed to throw your arm away from your body. The object is thrown because you release your grip on it. Your arm and shoulder joint stay in place because the rotator cuff is holding the upper arm bone in place. This is why rotator cuff injuries are so devastating to baseball pitchers; a strong, intact rotator cuff is needed to allow for high velocity pitches without injuring the shoulder joint. Weakness or worse, injury to the rotator cuff can place undue stress on the shoulder joint during heavy lifting routines (because the humeral head does not stay centered in the glenoid fossa). Strengthening the rotator cuff muscles, particularly the three involved with rotation is straightforward and basically involves movements as described above for internal and external rotation, but with light weights while lying on your side. The remaining muscle, the supraspinatus, is less straightforward and unfortunately, much advice over the years has served to compound problems 30, especially for those who are anatomically predisposed to have problems in the first place.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fish Oil

Obesity is of increasing concern in health issues in the world, surpassed only by cancer and heart disease. Dietary fat is often implicated as the primary root cause of the prevalence of obesity in developed countries. However, research continues to mount that support all fat is not evil. While high intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol are highly correlated with obesity, insulin resistance and heart disease, other fats are gaining respect as actually attenuating these factors. The most favorable fat in recent research is fish oil.

What Are The Benefits?

The benefits of a diet comprised mostly of polyunsaturated fats are well documented. The essential fatty acids omega-3, 6, and 9 must be obtained from food sources. These fatty acids are the precursors for several classes of hormones and comprise most of our cell membranes. Studies are now suggesting that the omega-3 fatty acids are our friends in a number of ways. Since our modern diet typically is high in omega-6 fatty acids and low in omega-3 acids, it may prudent to increase our consumption of foods that contain a higher amount of omega-3 fatty acids. The richest source of omega-3 fatty acids is fish oil from cold water fish.
Omega-3 fatty acids improve insulin action and glucose metabolism in fat and muscle cells. The fatty acids in the phospholipid layer of cell membranes determine the physiochemical properties of the membranes. This in turn influences the cellular functions, especially hormone responsiveness. Increasing the membrane content of polyunsaturated fatty acids increases membrane fluidity and the binding of many hormones to their respective receptors, thereby increasing their action.
They also decrease plasma triglyceride levels. This is hypothesized and supported by studies to play a role in increasing insulin action. It involves fuel switching due to increased utilization of glucose. It is also thought that fish oil supplementation reduces insulin secretion.
Another important aspect is that a diet derived mostly of it fatty acids from fish oils (high 0-3:0-6/9) was shown to reduce white adipose tissue mass, or body-fat, significantly. This has been demonstrated repeatedly in rat models, and also in humans. While omega-3's also increased thermogenesis in brown adipose tissue in rats, that probably has less significance for humans. However, they have detected much lower levels of enzyme activity for fatty acid synthesis in fish oil fed rats (and in vitro human fat cells) than in those fed diets with omega-6, omega-9 and saturated fats. Rats fed diets with omega-3 lost more fat mass (and had much lower triglyceride levels) than those fed a low-fat, high carb diet that was matched for calories.
They have shown in both rats and humans that the composition of adipose fatty acids basically resembles the fatty acid composition of the diet. However, those eating diets high in fish oil EPA and DHA (omega-3's) were not stored in the adipose tissue in similar proportion to the concentrations in the diet. Therefore, these fatty acids may be preferentially oxidized and not stored. Thus, such rapid fatty acid oxidation might prevent a significant portion of lipid accumulation.
Other Benefits

The other positive benefit is the consumption of a diet high in 0-3 induced an increase in UCP2 in white adipose tissue. Increased UCP2 uncoupling is associated with reductions in body weight and white adipose tissue.
Interestingly, a reduction of leptin levels, the fat-stat hormone, was reported with high omega-3 consumption. However, as most of the researchers stated in these studies, this may be an artifact simply due to the reduction in fat mass (leptin is secreted by fat cells).
However, in the studies that reported this, they also demonstrated a sustained decrease in appetite and no change in energy expenditure concomitant with decreased leptin levels, which indicates that decreased leptin levels may not be a concern unless they become acutely low, such as in a lean person. In that case, rotation or a blend of fatty acid sources would be necessary. But considering that our diet typically contains a high ratio of o-6:o-3, that may still be a moot point.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


1. What is it and where does it come from?

N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine, or melatonin, is hormone produced naturally by the body in the pineal gland of the brain. The release of melatonin correlates with the body's cycle of day and night.
The highest levels of the hormone are produced at night. Trace amounts of melatonin appears in foods.
2. What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?

Melatonin may play an essential role in sleeping and much more. As light inhibits its production, and darkness stimulates it, melatonin regulates the body's internal clock. Double blind research shows that this hormone helps people sleep, shortens the number of awakenings in the night, and improves the quality of sleep. It is also very useful in treating jet lag, as it promotes quicker recovery from that "out of it" stage one may experience after extended periods of flight. Research has also shown that having enough melatonin exhibits positive psychological benefits on a person's mood.
3. Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?

Frequent travelers and those who work rotating shifts could benefit by taking melatonin supplements. Sleep is definitely important to weight-trainers, bodybuilders, and athletes, as muscles grow and repair during sleep. Melatonin has been used by millions of people to gain quality rest on a more consistent basis.
4. How much should be taken? Are there any side effects?
Levels of melatonin intake should vary with a person's age. The body produces some melatonin naturally during sleep and many doctors and experts recommend a level similar to the body's own production, between one to three milligrams taken two hours or one-half hour before a person wants to go to sleep. Melatonin should not be taken during the day. Some uncommon side effects are reports of grogginess, sleepwalking, and disorientation. Pregnant or breast-feeding women should not take it. All in all, melatonin has great sleep promoting effects.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

7 Steps To Brutal Arms

If your arms have not improved over the past year, whatever you're doing in the gym is obviously not working. So-and-so many sets of barbell curls, followed by some dumbbell curls and a couple of sets of skullcrushers and tricep pressdowns - sound familiar? Well, it's time to do something drastic or you'll be stuck forever. Here are 7 steps that will give you a kick in the pants so you get back into the growth zone!

7 Steps To Kick Start Growth

Step 1: Assessment.
Bring out your training log and step back, looking at it as if you were reading someone else's. What you're looking for is stuff like favorite, ineffective exercises (identified as showing up frequently but always having the same weight and reps), stupid combinations (why first do preacher curls with a barbell and then do the exact same thing with a plate-loaded preacher machine while skipping dumbbell hammer curls?) and lack of variation from workout to workout.
Heck, pretend it's some cocky schmuck you'd like to put in his place, so be cruelly honest - the more mistakes you can dig up, the better. Every mistake you find brings you one step closer to getting some productive workouts for a change.
Step 2: Out With The Old, In With The New.
When studying the training log you probably spotted a number of exercises that show up just a little too frequently. I bet these coincide with exercises where you're either naturally strong and can use a lot of weight, or have a neat machine that you like to use. Well, not anymore. Cut them entirely for a month and only use exercises that you normally avoid.
Habit is one of the biggest enemies of progress, right up with laziness andovertraining, so smash that comfortable routine of yours with a vengeance. Hate forearm rolls, cable hammer curls and dips? Tough luck, you're doing them now! After a month or so you can bring back your old favorites, rotating them through your workout like you would any other exercise.
Step 3: Getting The Balance Right.
It's a classic mistake to focus primarily on biceps for arm growth. Sure, they look impressive once you get a nice peak worked up, but they're literally the tip of the iceberg. To get the kind of biceps you want you must train the brachialis, which is located UNDER the biceps and pushes it up. In addition, triceps make up almost two-thirds of the total arm thickness, and let's not forget the importance of the forearms to avoid "reverse-Popeye"-syndrome (beefy upper arms and twig-like forearms).
Furthermore, biceps is a relatively small muscle that grows best with a hit-hard-and-brief approach, so avoid the 16 set bicep workouts and spread the time and efforts appropriately. For example, 6 sets for biceps (making sure 2 of them hit brachialis), 8 sets for triceps and 4 sets for forearms is a reasonable split. See the sample workout for how such a setup could work.
Step 4: Timing & Frequency.
Overtraining arms is easily done. You often involve biceps and forearms during back training, with triceps getting a beating on chest day. If you're on a split that has you train through the entire body twice per week you could be hitting the same muscles almost every day, directly or indirectly. If you've read my articles in the past you know that I advocate a less-is-more approach of training each muscle group once per week as soon as you're past the beginner-stage. That should decrease the risk of overtraining considerably.
As for timing, keep your workouts short and brief: 30-45 mins is ideal, anything over 60 mins is borderline counterproductive. Last but not least, don't forget to use periodization so that you cycle between low-rep/high-rep training. Click here to read more about periodization.
Step 5: Pump Up The Intensity.
With a 30-45 min window (not counting warmup and stretching) you have to move pretty fast between exercises. You shouldn't have to walk around with a stopwatch, but aim for about a minute of rest between sets. Compound exercises like squats and deadlifts require a few minutes to catch your breath, but small muscles like those found in the arms recover relatively quickly - hit'em hard, then hit'em again to keep the intensity up.
You may also want to include some specific intensity boosters, such as forced reps, negatives, drop-sets and controlled cheating, to trigger that extra growth.
Step 6: Checking Secondary Factors.
Looking beyond the gym, try to see if you're short-changing yourself elsewhere in your life. Do you consistently get 8 or more hours per sleep per night? If not, you're robbing yourself of natural growth hormones and additional recovery. Do you eat enough calories every day?
Most bodybuilders know to eat enough protein, but that's not enough - you need a surplus of calories for the muscles to grow. If you've stayed the same weight for a while, try adding 500 calories per day and adjust as necessary. Just keep an eye on the gut - measure it with a measuring tape first thing every Monday morning.
Step 7: Track & Reassess.
The measuring tape comes in handy for tracking the progress of your arms too. Flex and measure at its thickest - repeat once a month to make sure you're making gains. If you gain a quarter-inch one month, half an inch the next, and then nothing for 4 months you know it's time to go back to Step 1 and figure out what's going on. This kind of frequent reassessment makes helps you avoid slipping back into the comfort zone.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


1. What is it and where does it come from?

HMB is short for beta-hydroxy beta-methylbutyrate. It is a new and exciting supplement that is one of the most popular body building supplements today. HMB is a metabolite of leucine, one of the body's essential amino acids.
There are small amounts of HMB present in many foods, primarily catfish, grapefruit, and alfalfa.

2. What does it do and what scientific studies give evidence to support this?

Many of the world's champions and athletes are using HMB and receiving dramatic results. Specifically, HMB plays a role in the synthesis of muscle tissue. It has the ability to burn fat and build muscle consistently in response to exercise. Backed heavily by science, HMB works for NFL greats like Shannon Sharpe and Olympic medallists throughout the globe. New scientific studies are being conducted on this supplement all the time. Recently, a study showed in a control group supplementing with HMB, that after taking 3 grams of HMB per day for three weeks, those who took HMB versus the random placebo takers gained three times more muscle on their bench press! Animal studies also suggest that it may increase lean muscle mass. A study conducted on humans showed that those who supplemented with HMB experienced enhanced strength, greater endurance, and increased fat loss. It's ability to boost endurance alone is an incredible result. A seven week long study showed a much greater gain in muscle when a group of 28 participated in a regular weight-training program. How does HMB do all this? It appears to increase the rate of protein being used to increase muscle growth, while decreasing the atrophy or tear down of muscle that occurs.

3. Who needs it and what are some symptoms of deficiency?

Basically anyone who is ready to experience some awesome muscle-building effects can benefit from HMB. Deficiency is not an issue, but building strength, getting cut, and trimming off the extra fat is. It is safe for men and women.

4. How much should be taken? Are there any side effects?

Generally, the research done involving HMB used 3 - 5 grams of HMB in combination with regular exercise (like weight lifting). Take it before training or before bedtime for best results. There are no known side effects when taken properly only BIG gains!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


If you had asked a doctor 10 years ago about bumping testosterone into the high-normal range to enhance one's physique, chances are slim you would have gotten a positive response. "Testosterone is bad for you," he would probably say. "It will shrink your grapes to raisins, give you liver disease and make you backhand your Grandma!"
Enter 1996 and the legal availability of androstenedione (a-dione) and otherprohormones. For the first time, "steroids" were legally available over the counter and testosterone became user-friendly. It could not only enhance strength and muscle size, but also improve body composition, bone density, libido, and immunocompetence. Some research even suggested T could make you smarter! Unfortunately, as supplement sales skyrocketed, so did marketing hyperbole. And so, too, did the bull about which company had the most potent prohormone concoction and how effective these "legal steroids" were.
If you are tired of being confused by "diones", "diols" and "19-nor" something-or-others - and want to know the real benefits and risks associated with testosterone boosting - read on. The information presented may just clear some of that fog in your noggin'.
The Basics
Testosterone is a 19-carbon steroid hormone produced primarily by the Leydig cells of the testes (in men) and the ovaries (in women). Smaller amounts are produced in the adrenal glands of both sexes. As a "steroid", testosterone belongs to the androgen class of hormones that also includes dihydrotestosterone (DHT), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), androstenedione, and androstenediol. Six other classes of steroid hormones exist, including estrogens (the bane of male bodybuilders), progestins (some female contraceptives are made of these), mineralocorticoids (which help control water balance), glucocorticoids (mainly anti-inflammatory compounds), vitamin D, and bile acids.
In men, approximately seven mg of testosterone is produced each day, and blood levels range between 300 and 1000 ng/dL (10-28 nmol/L). Females, on the other hand, produce about 1/15th of this amount, leading to average blood levels of only 25 to 90 ng/dL (1-2.5 nmol/L). All steroid hormones are derived from the sterane ring structure, composed of three hexane (6 carbon) rings and one pentane (5 carbon) ring.
In healthy humans, the "rate-limiting" step in testosterone biosynthesis is the conversion of cholesterol into a hormone called pregnenolone. This hormone is then first converted to either DHEA or progesterone before being further degraded in a stepwise fashion to testosterone. Schematically, the two possible pathways look like this: (Enzymes have been omitted for clarity.
After testosterone is secreted into the bloodstream, 96-98 percent is bound to proteins called albumin and globulin. This binding is thought to serve three purposes: 1) it makes testosterone soluble for transport within the blood, 2) it protects testosterone from degradation by the liver and kidneys, and 3) it serves as a reservoir or storage depot that can be used to dampen fluctuations in plasma testosterone.
The two to four percent not bound to plasma proteins is known as "free testosterone" and is thought to represent the biologically active fraction of the hormone; in other words, the amount that is capable of interacting with cells to cause physiological changes. And although recent data suggest this is most likely an oversimplification, we'll leave that discussion for another time.
Regulation of testosterone levels is governed by two factors: the total amount of testosterone in the blood, and the binding capacity of the plasma proteins. Obviously, as binding capacity goes up blood levels of free testosterone go down. Not surprisingly, certain drugs (anabolic-androgenic steroids, insulin, etc.) and perhaps nutritional supplements (like avena sativa, urtica dioica, etc.) can reduce the binding capacity of the blood and result in higher free-testosterone levels.
There is also mounting evidence that some types of pollution and pesticides can do the opposite. So much for running sprints in downtown Detroit! Also, testosterone production from the testes occurs the entire period of fetal development until about 10 weeks after birth. Then the gears screech to a stop until puberty - a time when men know all-too well their T levels are screaming.
This is a time when young men really blow past their female counterparts in body weight and muscularity - and get drawn toward sports like high school football, along with other aggressive pastimes. Sadly in many ways, testosterone levels begin to decline between the third and fourth decade of life. And by 80 (if we make it that long) we are only one-third the man we used to be, testosterone-wise.
The physiological actions of testosterone in males are far reaching. For example:
• Growth of the penis, scrotum and testes during puberty
• Enlargement of the larynx (voice box) that results in a deepening of the voice
• Formation of functional sperm
• Stimulation of hair growth - especially in the pubic area, chest, face, and, sometimes, the back
• Increases in skin thickness and darkness
• Increases in libido (sex drive)
• Increases in basal (resting) metabolic rate
• Increases in red blood cell number and total blood volume
• Promotion of sodium and water retention in the kidneys
• Increases in muscle protein synthesis resulting in increased muscle mass
• Reductions in muscle glycogen breakdown during exercise
• Increased calcium retention in bone
• Decreased growth of hair on top of the head
• Increased activity of the sebaceous (sweat) glands, sometimes resulting in acne
• Promote a narrowing and strengthening of the pelvis
Of the "free" testosterone that interacts at the tissue level, much of it is converted within the cells to DHT - a more potent androgen - by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. In the prostate, for example, this conversion is thought to be necessary for physiologic effects. Other tissues (like the epididymis, vas deferens, seminal vesicles, skeletal muscle, and bone) lack the 5-alpha reductase enzyme and therefore are thought to respond to testosterone directly.
The conversion of testosterone into estrogens (estriol, estrone and estradiol) is governed by the aromatase enzyme complex and occurs mainly in the liver, brain and fat tissue. Some bodybuilders attempt to avoid / reduce the conversion of testosterone to DHT or estrogens by maintaining low bodyfat and using drugs or nutritional supplements that block 5-alpha reductase and aromatase. Chrysin, saw palmetto and indole-3-carbinol are three examples of legal plant-derived supplements that may maximize testosterone levels by minimizing its conversion to DHT and estrogens. Unfortunately, the bio-availability of many "bioflavanoid" compounds when ingested is poor. Some cutting-edge supplement companies have trick "delivery systems" that attempt to address this problem.
It is important to recognize that blood levels of testosterone - all hormones for that matter - represent a dynamic balance between biosynthesis (which occurs in a pulsatile fashion) and biodegradation. As mentioned, the testes, adrenals and ovaries are responsible for testosterone biosynthesis, while the liver and kidneys are responsible for its biological degradation and excretion. So, for instance, increases in plasma testosterone commonly observed following a hard weight-training session are not just the result of increased production of testosterone from the testes, but also from a reduction in its clearance (blood flow to the liver and kidneys is reduced during exercise).
This balance between synthesis and breakdown also make a single blood testosterone value extremely difficult to interpret. As noted decades ago, testosterone levels rise and fall throughout the day; therefore a single testosterone value could represent a peak or valley on the daily testosterone roller coaster.
Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids
So what is the difference between testosterone and anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS)? Well, while testosterone is produced naturally in the body, AAS are synthetic analogs of testosterone that were first used medically in the US around the time My Three Sons and The Honeymooners were beaming with popularity.
By synthetic, I mean AAS are synthesized by guys in lab coats who, for most of their lives, have been taking science and chemistry courses. Several "relatively safe" AAS are used clinically to treat osteoporosis and muscle-wasting disorders. These are nandrolone decanoate (Deca Durabolin) and oxandrolone (Anavar), respectively. Examples of more potent, but potentially dangerous, AAS are fluoxymesterone (Halotestin), trenbolone acetate (Parabolan), methandrostenolone (Dianabol), and oxymetholone (Anadrol). In general, injectable steroids are more potent, safer and remain in the system longer than oral steroids. There are, however, a few exceptions.
Potential Side Effects From AAS Abuse
Though you may already be aware of potential side effects from testosterone abuse (note I said abuse and not use), here they are again: lowered HDL-cholesterol levels (good cholesterol), testicular atrophy, reductions in sperm count, prostate enlargement, liver damage (primarily with oral steroids that have been modified with a 17-alkyl substitution), menstrual irregularities, suppression of endogenous hormone levels (like LH and T), development of palpable breast tissue in men (also known as gynecomastia), clitoral enlargement, and acne.
Whether an individual using AAS will develop any of these side effects is difficult to predict because of the complex interaction between factors like drug type, dosage, duration of use, and individual (genetic) differences. Suffice to say there are safer ways to boost testosterone levels and gain an edge in the gym. More importantly, there are legal ways - at least for now.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fiber For Fat Loss?

Fiber for fat loss, are you crazy? That's right folks, fiber can actually help you lose fat. We all know that fiber will help fight against heart disease, cholesterol, diabetes and colon cancer, but it also plays a role in fighting obesity. Fiber is a compound that only plants contain. The fiber we consume from plant foods is called dietary fiber. Dietary fiber only comes from plant foods (i.e. grains, oats, fruits, etc.); it is never in animal foods (i.e. meats). Dietary fiber can be broken down into two forms, soluble and insoluble fiber. Though there is no daily recommended amount of fiber, health experts recommend consuming 20-35 grams of fiber per day. On average, most Americans consume only 12 grams of fiber a day.
Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber, as the name implies, dissolves in water. These fibers bind to bile acids and excrete them from the small intestine. Surplus cholesterol is disposed of in the liver as bile acids. Bile acids are then transported to the small intestine where they aid in lipid digestion. Bile acids are also essential for the absorption of these digested products. This binding of bile acids would help to decrease the cholesterol levels in the blood. It has also been said that soluble fibers help to regulate blood sugar levels.
Insoluble Fiber
Insoluble fiber, again as the name implies, does not dissolve in water. This type of fiber is known as roughage. Though it is not dissolvable in water, it does absorb it, causing an increase in fiber bulk. Bulking agents help to clear the gastrointestinal track of all its waste. By regular consumption of these fibers, the amount of time digested food sits in the intestine is decreased. This helps keep the body from absorbing starch and sugars in the intestine.
Insoluble fiber is responsible for the full feeling you get after eating them. This helps dieters by allowing them to eat fewer calories without feeling hungry afterwards. Insoluble fibers are hard to digest, so when they finally get to a point where they can be released into the intestine, they are still slightly intact. It is this reason that they make up the bulk of your stool. Since the insoluble fibers are only partially digested, it is hard for the undigested calories to be taken up by the intestine. By reducing calories and decreasing the amount of cholesterol in the blood, one could potentially lose weight/fat.
The Best Sources Of Fiber
The best source of fiber is from dietary foods. This is because they also provide other minerals and nutrients your body needs. If you are consuming enough fiber rich foods, there is no point in taking a fiber supplement. By following the U.S. Department of Agriculture's food pyramid it should not be hard to consume enough fiber a day. The table below lists a number of fiber rich foods.
Fiber supplements do not offer the same benefits that dietary fibers do. In 1991, the FDA banned many over-the-counter diet aids, with fiber-containing substances, because they did not show any evidence of being safe and effective weight loss agents. Before taking any kind of fiber supplement it is best to check with you physician.
Fiber is a good natural way of helping to reduce body fat. It does not metabolize fat quicker or more efficiently, but it will help you by decreasing the intake of calories. It will also reduce the amount of free cholesterol in the blood. Fiber is also a natural and easy way of preventing colon cancer, heat disease and diabetes. Fiber is something that everyone should be consuming more of; there are too many reasons for you not to.
A Word Of Caution
When increasing the fiber content of your diet, it is best to take it slow. Add just a few grams at a time to allow the intestinal tract to adjust; otherwise, abdominal cramps, gas, bloating, and diarrhea or constipation may result. Another way to help minimize these effects is by drinking at least 2 liters (8 cups) of fluid daily. (Reprinted from FDA Consumer).

Thursday, June 3, 2010

True Back Workout

Without a doubt, the back is one of the hardest body parts to train, next to legs. Not even the fact that it is so energy draining when preformed properly, but the fact that you can't see your back when training it and that its very hard to focus on when training it. I guarantee that if you went around your gym and asked people if they were satisfied with their back workouts and back pumps you would get many people answering, no.
What Doesn't Your Back Routine Match Up?
I feel that this is due to a few different reasons. One being that the form they use is downright terrible, I mean I won't even begin to tell some of the things people do while training back. For back, form is one of the most important aspects, above everything else. I mean its great that you can throw around a 150 for a dumbbell row, but do you even get a pump what so ever after the set? This leads me to one of my most important training principles, NEGATIVES. Do a back workout with out negatives and then try one with them, the difference is incredible.
I personally think people should do 4-6 second negatives on back exercises that allow them. Of course your not going to be able to do negatives that slow on barbell rows, but pull downs, pullovers, machine rows, should defiantly be preformed with slow negatives. Another factor that I feel presents a problem, is that people cannot get the proper concentration to get the most out of the exercise. Training back requires a very high level of concentration on all of the exercises preformed, more so then any other muscle.
How To Incorporate Hardcore Training Principles Into Your Own Workout!
Now, this workout isn't an exact workout of what you should be doing, it is just merely a reference as to how to incorporate hardcore training principles into your own workout, and to get the most out of your back workouts. Why do a workout and not get anything out of it, and keep doing it over again? You must realize that something must be wrong in you training. I feel that this article will help many readers who are not getting very good results with their current back workouts, and it will help them progress faster, which is the main reason why people workout.
Dumbbell Pullovers –
The workout is started with dumbbell pullovers, a few warm-up sets are preformed before the one working set is started. I personally really like using dumbbell pullovers as the first exercise, mostly due to the fact that it loosens up you back and stretches out you upper body.
Lat Pull Downs –
The next exercise that is done is lat pull downs using a wide grip, but not going down to the kinked part. Usually two warm up sets are done prior to the working set, which is a triple drop with negatives. The pin is put around 190-200, this is only done for 3-4 reps with 6 second negatives, the weight is then dropped to 150 and another 5-6 reps are cranked out, the weight is again lowered to 120 and the final set of 8 reps is preformed before finishing. This is a very brutal set to say the least, and my back is usually pumped beyond belief after it is done.
The form is strict on this but not overly done, the concentric is usually at a normal speed but the negative is 5-7 seconds, all the while concentrating hard on feeling the lats doing the work. That is probably one of the most important things while training back, FEELING THE REPS.
Dumbbell Row
Now that my overall back is pretty blown out, I usually focus on working the lats individually. I prefer the Hammer Strength row, plus the pics of Nasser and Dorian using it are inspiring. One warm-up is done prior to the set, which is rest-pause. The set is done using two plates and a 35, and my positioning on the machine is set like a dumbbell row to hit the lats even better. I get 8 reps on the first set, while using a 6 second negative, 4 on the second with the help of my partner, and 3 on the last. After waiting for my partner to do his set, my other is preformed and my lats are blown up beyond belief.
T-bar Row –
To finish of the workout we set up a T-bar row in the corner and use the close grip handle. plates to get a deeper stretch. Two strait sets are done using 4 35's on the first and 5 on the second, with a 4 second negative. On the first set 8-10 reps are preformed, and on the second I get 6. This usually finishes off my back very well. After this workout my back is pumped beyond belief and I can't physically do anything else but lie down on a bench.
After taking a little break and downing a protein shake, I perform a stretch on the pull-up bar by hanging an 80 lb. dumbbell on my waist and hanging (with wraps, of course) for 45 seconds. I feel this helps a lot, and it also helps to make your back much wider. This also stretches out your joints and forearms, which get very, very pumped at the end of this workout even while using wraps, which everyone should be using while doing a workout like this.
Well, that's probably one of my favorite back workouts to date, and of course you can always rotate the T-bar with rack dead lifts, which I like to do sometimes. I feel this back workout hits the back from upper to lower, but the most important thing is applying the intensity to the workout. Of course someone can go in and do this workout, or one like it while using lightweight, and really bad form, and get nothing out of it. But if you go in there and use good form, negatives, and maximum poundage on you working sets, then you will leave the gym spent and with a feeling of accomplishment.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


Taurine is an amino acid like glutamine that is earning more and more respect from bodybuilders and protein scientists.
While taurine generally is the second most abundant amino acid in muscle, in several metabolic conditions, some muscle biologists like Eric Serrano, M.D., have determined that it, not glutamine, is the most voluminous amino represented in striated type 2 muscle fiber! Taurine has several critical functions and can act similarly to creatine in that it expands your cells by helping the muscle cell itself hold more water, increasing cell volume. For a lifter or bodybuilder, this is significant because expanded muscle cells can boost hydration resulting in a higher rate of protein synthesis and bodybuilders will appreciate the increased appearance of muscle fullness.
Additionally, another 'theory' is that taurine preferentially enhances interstitial contractile leverage and this may aid the lifter in handling heavier weights.
Nowadays, you will often find taurine added to creatine or amino acid preparations in bodybuilding supplements for a heightened effect. The best time to consume these combinations might be 30 minutes before training and again immediately after.

Monday, May 24, 2010

HIIT !!!

What Is HIIT?

HIIT is a training idea in which low to moderate intensity intervals are alternated with high intensity intervals.
HIIT can be applied to running or to exercises such as squatting. HIIT is considered to be much more effective than normal cardio because the intensity is higher and you are able to increase both your aerobic and anaerobic endurance while burning more fat than ever before.
"In research, HIIT has been shown to burn adipose tissue more effectively than low-intensity exercise - up to 50% more efficiently." It has also been shown to speed up your metabolism which helps you burn more calories throughout the day.
HIIT improves both energy systems for endurance:
Anaerobic Energy System
Anaerobic literally means "Without oxygen." The anaerobic energy system is what provides energy in all out efforts of up to 1 minute. For the first ~10-15 seconds, the phosphate pool is used up and after that, glycolysis and lactic acid are involved in the effort.
During 10-15 second bursts, there is a very small amount of lactic acid produced and rest periods of 30 seconds to a minute will provide complete recovery of the Adenosine Triphosphate-Creatine Phosphate (ATP-CP) system. During efforts of more than 10-15 seconds, a large amount of lactic acid is produced and such efforts are extremely taxing on both the athlete's muscles and their Central Nervous System (CNS).
Aerobic Energy System
Aerobic literally means "with oxygen." This energy system is utilized during prolonged exercise over a period of at least 3-4 minutes. As long as there is enough oxygen to provide energy, the fatigue that you experience will remain at a low level.
This is the reason why many track and field athletes train at higher altitudes where there is less oxygen. By training at high altitudes, they can increase the number of red blood cells which will help them to perform for a longer period of time with little to no fatigue throughout.

What is the best HIIT workout? Be specific and make sure to list exercises, reps, sets, etc.

HIIT can be used with a few different goals in mind - to lose as much fat as possible while cutting or bulking, or to improve aerobic and anaerobic endurance as much as possible. Diet will mostly determine how these goals are achieved by manipulatingcalories and macronutrient ratios.
HIIT during a Cutting Phase:
• 500 Calories under maintenance daily
• High Protein (40% of total calories)
• Low Carbs (20% of total calories)
• High Fat (40% of total calories)
It has been proven in studies that during a low carbohydrate and high fat diet, the oxidation of fat is increased during exercise, especially cardio such as HIIT (more fat is burned). Additionally, fat is a much more highly concentrated source of energy than carbohydrates.
"A review by Hultman (1995) found that during a diet where carbs are restricted and a lot of fat is consumed, up to 70% of the energy requirement (even during high intensity activities) comes from the oxidation of fat (where during a high carbs diet, such activities would derive 80-90% of the energy from glycogen)." (Thibaudeau)
Sample: 2000 Calories Daily
• 200 Grams of Protein
• 100 Grams of Carbs
• 90 Grams of Fat

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Glutamine a secret to gaining muscle!

Glutamine is a very common supplement found in many bodybuilders' gym bags and in their protein shakes, yet it is also a nonessential amino acid that is overlooked by many in their quest in gaining muscle. Over the years, bodybuilders have begun to realize the advertised benefits of glutamine such as prevents muscle catabolism which is basically the tearing down of muscle, promotes muscle anabolism, which is basically muscle growth, enhances the immune system, and enhances glycogen storage.

What Is Glutamine?

Glutamine is classified as a nonessential amino acid, since it can be readily synthesized by various tissues such as the skeletal muscles, liver, and adipose tissue. Glutamine is the most abundant single amino acid found in the bloodstream, which comprises 61% of the free intracellular amino acid pool [most abundant amino acid in muscle tissue], while Branch Chain Amino Acids [BCAA'S] comprise 8.4% of the pool. Glutamine's unique structure, containing two nitrogen side chains, consists of 19% nitrogen - making it the primary transporter of nitrogen into the muscle cells.
In the past couple years, Glutamine has gained importance through new studies revealing its unique contribution to protein synthesis [muscle growth], anti-catabolic [prevents muscle tissue] breakdown functions and growth hormone elevating effects. Due to these effects, Glutamine plays an important part in your body by aiding recovery of muscle cells.

What Does Glutamine Do?

During exercise or other times of metabolic stress such as a precontest diet, severeinjury, illness, etc., the demand for glutamine in your blood matrix (plasma) markedly increases. For instance, various cells of the immune system such as the lymphocytes and macrophages depend on glutamine as a primary fuel source, and thus the demand for glutamine increases when an immunological response is mounted Macrophages and lymphocytes are the primary virus and bacteria fighters in your bloodstream.
As glutamine travels through the body, the enterocytes of the small intestines are the largest consumers of glutamine accounting for about 40-50% of glutamine consumption. Also, glutamine is required for the synthesis of nucleotides. Thus, a sufficient supply of glutamine is particularly important for rapidly dividing cells such as the enterocytes and the immune cells. Therefore, the synthesis of glutamine may be insufficient to meet the physiological demand during times of severe, metabolic stress when the amount of free glutamine is rapidly depleted [3]. Therefore, it may be beneficial for people, who continuously place themselves in infectious areas or commonly get sick, to supplement with glutamine to aid virus/bacteria fighting cells.
Glutamine supplementation may also promote nitrogen retention [a positive nitrogen balance] and prevent the loss of muscle protein . A decreased ratio of testosterone to cortisol is believed to be directly responsible for losses in muscle mass since cortisol promotes the synthesis of glutamine. By maintaining intracellular concentrations of glutamine within the skeletal muscles, the synthesis of glutamine mRNA may be inhibited resulting in the loss of intracellular nitrogen through glutamine may be prevented.
Therefore, it may be beneficial for bodybuilders, who continuously place themselves through strenuous workouts, to supplement with glutamine to aid when glutamine stores are depleted. Furthermore, by enhancing plasma concentrations of glutamine, the demand for free glutamine by other tissues and cells [e.g. the small intestine and immune cells] is attenuated and thus the release of glutamine from muscle tissues is reduced.

Why Does Your Body Need Glutamine?

To fully understand why glutamine is beneficial to the body we must all endure a little Biochemistry lesson. The body uses glutamine to shuttle ammonia around in the body, so blood levels of glutamine try to maintain constant. Glutamine is craved by the digestive tract and the immune system as a fuel. Most bodybuilders eat more than enough protein from the supermarket, but they do not get enough glutamine through the digestion of meats and other proteins.
The muscles cells are the giant storehouses of glutamine. Under certain pathological circumstances the body's tissues need more glutamine than the overall amount supplied by diet and natural synthesis such as during a bodybuilder's strenuous workout.
During catabolic stress, for instance, intracellular glutamine levels can drop more than 50 percent, and plasma concentration can fall by 30 percent. It is under these circumstances that supplemental glutamine becomes necessary.
Skeletal muscle contains the greatest intracellular concentration of glutamine, comprising up to 60 percent of total body glutamine stores, and is considered the primary storage depot of glutamine, and thus the primary exporter of glutamine to other tissues [1]. In times of metabolic stress, glutamine is released into circulation, where it is transported to the tissue in need. Intracellular skeletal muscle glutamine concentration is affected by various assaults including injury, sepsis, prolonged stress, and starvation. Besides skeletal muscle, the lungs are the next largest producer of glutamine.
Glutamine is especially useful postworkout when nutrients are at a low untilrecovery. In this condition research shows glutamine levels are significantly reduced, taking up to one month to return to baseline[4]. In athletes, glutamine has been used as a marker to indicate overtraining. This fall in glutamine is catabolic to muscle tissue. BCAA's [comprising 37% of total muscle] are debranched from skeletal muscle, and the resulting molecules are used to synthesis glutamine.
In the catabolic state, glutamine is the first amino acid used to correct that deficiency. Glutamine drives protein into the muscle cell where it is synthesized for growth. This means that additional Glutamine is necessary during periods of stress [such as intense weight training which induces a catabolic state which has been shown to uniformly decrease Glutamine levels by 50%, taking several hours to return to normal levels. Additionally, L-Glutamine also decreases protein degradation [BCAA catabolism], resulting in bigger, stronger muscle cells.

Research Findings

In a recent study of glutamine's role enhancing the immune system, glutamine demonstrated that increased levels of glutamine leads to greater amounts of virus and infection fighting cells, T and B Lymphocytes. Cells of the immune system including the macrophages and lymphocytes depend on glutamine as a primary fuel source. In addition, it has been hypothesized that a high rate of glutamine consumption by these rapidly proliferating cells is required for sufficient nucleotide synthesis.
Research indicates that low levels of glutamine within the body may result in the increased susceptibility to infections and illness due to a suppressed immune system . The ability to reproduce and the activity of immune cells in vitro have reportedly been suppressed in trials lacking glutamine . Tests also demonstrated that the increased rate of infection and illness [particularly infections of the upper respiratory tract] has been reported among athletes participating in intense, long duration sports activities [e.g. marathon racing] .
It has been suggested that a decline in plasma glutamine concentrations may be one of the factors responsible for this increased rate of illness. Specifically, the activity of natural killer cells, a reduced number and proliferate ability of lymphocytes, and a reduced ratio of T-helper to T-suppressor cells may be the result of prolonged, exhaustive exercise.
In another study of glutamine's role on glucose and glycogen formation, the importance of glutamine was also emphasized. The human carbon based skeleton of glutamine can serve as a gluconeogenic precursor and may regulate gluconeogenesis, which is basically the production of glycogen, independently of the insulin/glucagon ratio. Because glutamine may serve as a precursor to glucose independently of glucacon regulation, glutamine supplementation may also enhance glycogenolysis and thus increase muscle glycogen stores even wheninsulin levels are low.
Following exercise, the subjects were infused with 30 mg/kg body weight of either glutamine, alanine+glycine, or a saline solution. Two hours following exercise, muscle glycogen concentration increased significantly more in the subjects receiving glutamine than the subjects in the other groups.

Benefits & Possible Disadvantages Of Glutamine Supplementation

In the past several years, research has indicated that glutamine supplementation is safe for humans. However, there is little data regarding long-term usage (more than a few weeks) of glutamine supplements. Furthermore, more research needs to be conducted to investigate the safety of glutamine supplementation at doses that are posited to promote nitrogen retention in the muscles.
Generally speaking, the consumption of any one, single amino acid in large doses may inhibit the absorption of other amino acids since amino acids (basic and neutral amino acids) tend to compete for transport across the intestinal epithelium. However, a study performed by Dechelotte et al. reported that glutamine is absorbed effectively in the small intestine.
Other research has indicted that the consumption of large doses of free amino acids may result in intestinal discomfort (e.g. abdominal pains and diarrhea) due to the electrolyte-like properties of the amino-acids.

Cost & Use Of Glutamine

Glutamine and L-Glutamine can be purchased as Glutamine or L-Glutamine, or in glutamine containing products. Glutamine containing products are protein shakes, protein powders, and protein drinks. Glutamine can be added to protein powder and protein shakes. Bodybuilders find taking glutamine to be more convenient when taken at the same time as their protein intake. L-Glutamine and glutamine often are tasteless.
The cost for a supply of glutamine (L-glutamine) ranges from about $14 to $54 and typically is sold in the form of gel capsules and powders.

Get all your glutamine products

However, glutamine is relatively unstable in solution, and thus glutamine powders must be consumed shortly after being mixed into solution. Some manufacturers of the supplement recommend consuming glutamine in divided dosages throughout the day. It has also been suggested that glutamine be consumed shortly before sleep (a 6-8 hours of non-eating) and after waking. It is recommended to take at least 5 grams 30 minutes before and after you train and another 5 grams before bed.

Are There Any Side Effects?

It is completely safe. There are no known side effects.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Add Up To One Inch On Your Arms In 3 Workout!

Every guy wants bigger arms! There really is no bodypart that says "big and powerful" as clearly and obviously as a big pair of python arms.
I get a ton of e-mail from guys wanting to maximize their arm training. I've created optimized routines for many but if you want a 'quick and dirty' method that delivers high intensity overload and results that you've never experienced before... here it is.
The Big Hurdle
First I have to tell you the biggest hurdle most people face when wanting to increase their workout intensity and their progress in the gym. This first step results from the fact…yes fact…that over 90% of the regular trainees in your gym are overtraining. And once your body is in an overtrained condition no routine can help you.
The first priority of your body is to fully recover. Then, and only then, will it go to work creating new muscle. So step one of my Add One Inch to your Arms Workout is to take two weeks off all strength training! I can hear the groans now. "But I "need" to work out 3 times a week." No you don't. More likely you've turned a love of the gym into a too-frequent training schedule. Hey, if I liked getting my hair cut it wouldn't help me to go to a barber 3 times a week. Growth takes time. That's a fact you need to face if you want to train rationally.
So if you lack the mental toughness to handle the above hurdle, you might as well stop reading this. This routine won't do anything for guys in an overtrained state. These are the guys who haven't added any size to their arms in months. But they train more than anyone else. See the connection? The exception, of course, is for guys just starting out and for guys who understand training frequency and have adjusted their training days to compensate for their ever-increasing intensity of workouts. Those wonderful people can do this workout today.
The Workout
Years ago I conducted a study to measure the relative intensity of all the common arm exercises. (And other bodypart exercises, by the way.) This brief article won't permit the space to explain all that was measured and analyzed so I'm going to give you the conclusions. These exercises will add the most muscle to your biceps, triceps and forearms. Guaranteed.
Seated Biceps Curl: Sit on a bench and rest a barbell in your lap. Take a shoulder-width underhand grip on the bar and curl it upward toward your chin. Use a weight that is so heavy you can only perform eight reps. This exercise allows you to use more weight than you normally would because the seated position limits the range of motion. Try to curl 150% of your normal biceps curl weight. Perform one set of eight reps, rest 30 seconds then increase the weight 10% and perform as many reps as you can.
Close-Grip Bench Press: Do yourself a big favor and perform this exercise in a power rack or on a smith machine. Limit the range of motion to the top third of your range. By limiting the range of motion you will be able to hoist a much heavier weight and it's that big weight - not the range of motion - that triggers new muscle growth. Grip the bar with your hands spaced about six inches apart and contract your triceps to lift the bar off the support and to full extension. Use a weight that is so heavy you can only perform eight reps. Again, with this restricted range you should be able to use at least 50% more weight than normal. Perform one set of eight reps, rest 30 seconds then increase the weight 10% and perform as many reps as you can.
Forearms tend to be neglected in most workouts but these two exercises are fabulous at generating an awesome intensity of overload to these highly visible and impressive muscles.
Seated Wrist Curls: These are performed from the same position as the biceps exercise, above. With an underhand grip on a barbell, rest your wrists on your knees so your hands extend beyond your knees. Allow the weight of the bar to force your wrist toward the floor. Use your forearm muscles to power the weight back up. Perform one set of eight reps, rest 30 seconds then increase the weight 10% and perform as many reps as you can.
Wrist Curls Behind the Back: These are performed by holding a barbell behind your back with your palms facing backward. It helps to have the bar on a rack to start or to have a training partner place the bar in your hands. The heavy bar will naturally hang down and your wrists will be in a relaxed position. Use your forearm muscles to power the weight up by bending your wrists. You can use a lot more weight on this exercise than you think you can. Go heavy. Don't worry about getting a full range of motion. Perform one set of eight reps, rest 30 seconds then increase the weight 10% and perform as many reps as you can.
Each time you perform the four exercises in this arm workout try to increase your weights by 15-25%. Doing the same workout each time gets you nowhere. It's all about making progress. Progress drives new muscle growth.
Perform the above workout three times over the next twelve days. Avoid any other arm training during this time. You can also train your other muscle groups and you can perform all the low intensity aerobics you want during this time. But remember, if you started this program in an overtrained condition you won't see results.
Done the exact way described, this routine will add new muscle strength and very significant size to even the most developed arms.
Have a great workout.